Entering the Guild to Post a Job

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I let out another sigh of exasperation as Trick hurried past, taking my now empty plate with him. My head was in my folded arms on the bar, but I could almost hear the boy roll his eyes.

Brond chuckled. "No luck after all then?" He asked, placing a mug of watered down breakfast ale near my head.

"No..." I said, rising so that I could drink it. "As you thought, Mark can't handle what I will need."

Mark was Soren's local carpenter. I had hoped that he may be able to draw up the plans for my new home, but it was a bust. He explained that had I just wanted four walls and a roof he could, certainly, do that, but I want something quite a bit more complicated.

"What's some wanderer need with a big'ol fancy house for anyways?" Trick chimed in. He was now crawling under poor old Brolly's usual table in the corner. Trick was looking for any missed mugs that the drunkard may have let fall to the floor after passing out.

I glared at the boy. "It's not fancy." I said, with a huff. 

Though it was true that what I was looking to build would probably be one of the nicest homes in the village. But it wasn't like I wanted something like Lord Dusker's manor or something. It just so happened that the things I wanted for my permanent home need it to be bigger than the average home here is all.

So I wanted there to be three rooms? What if I had company? Besides, as the local herbalist and alchemist, I may have patients come by and I would need a better place than the sitting room to put them! 

Also, I had a lot of books. So, of course I would need at least a study, if not a personal library to put them. I mean, I could keep them in my magic bag, but the hole point of settling down was that I didn't have to live out of a bag any longer!

So, yes, my vison of a two story ranch home with a rap-around porch and an herb garden round back might very well be to complicated for a man who usually just did minor home repairs and custom made furniture when asked...

"You were right all along." I told the elven bar tender. "I'll have to go to the guild to post a request to the near by towns..."

The moment Nola had sent word of Lord Dusker's approval, I had wasted no time hurrying over to by my new lands. Nola seemed genuinely surprised that I had the gold, which was a little insulting, but understandable. To her eyes I was no noble woman- and as far as I was concerned I wasn't either- and so it would be strange for a single woman to possess such riches. 

Like before, however, she did not question me, and just accepted the payment and I signed some forms. Maybe she thought I was the widow of a rich merchant or something. Who knew?

Once that was done and I was handed a deeds I hurried back to the tavern to celebrate. The following days were spent either surveying my property, or spit balling ideas off of Brond and anyone else who happened to be at the bar.

It had quickly become common knowledge around town that I was here and that I was planning to become a resident alchemist. Already I was being inundated with requests! Ointments for sore joints, cures for common ailments, salves for minor wounds... you name it, they wanted it. It was clear that this village really was lacking in any kind of affordable medicines.

They were lacking in building contractors as well. And that was why Brond had suggested pretty early on that I put in a request with the guild. Larger, near by villages, who had more need of such services, would probably have the men I needed and the guild could put out the word.

In a major city I would have just gone to the craftsmen's guild to put forth such a request, but I wasn't gonna find anything like that around here.

Brond nodded. "You could ask Trick to run the request over for you?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

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