Breaking Ground

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Darwin was an insufferable, old school, cranky, bossy, and abrasive old man. But that did not diminish the fact that he was a highly recommended contractor, and worth every copper I was pay him and his men. He wasted no time, from the second I met him as he hopped of the merchant's wagon, getting to work, and we spent much of that night going over my wants for my soon to be new home.

Before I even knew it the old man had a blueprint done and all his men- plus a few men from Soren- on my property, breaking ground.

Considering how fast and efficiently he was working, I wasn't about to complain about him cussing at me a handful of times, nor his irritated grumbling on how women had no business on job sights, when I offered to help out. So long as he kept up the work, then all the power to him. I had thick skin.

Today I was keeping a goodly distance back from the actual frame work of my home, talking with Brond. He had decided to take a break, leaving the bar to open late this morning, and come see how things were progressing. I didn't mind, plus he wasn't the first.

Honestly, Darwin's enthusiasm over the project, coupled with my 'no cap' budget, had us stating a rather large project here. No, it was nothing on the scale of the palace I once called home. And Lord Dusker's manner would still far out class it... But to say that my place might very well be the second biggest and nicest property in town would not be a stretch.

Everyone had shown up at least once to ogle it.

Though, before a couple days ago, it had mostly just been a hole in the ground as the basement had to be done before we could even think about starting the main body of the home.

"You really are quite ambitious." Laughed Brond as we both watched Darwin mouth off to one of his two sons that he had brought with him. One was around my own age, but the other was about sixteen. "I normally do not pry... but what did you do before moving here? Surly you aren't just an alchemist. Unless you were a royal doctor."

I chuckled nervously. I had really not thought about the repercussions of dropping this much coin on my home when Darwin and I were planning it. But I really couldn't imagine leaving anything out of the plans. I mean, this was supposed to be my forever home, and I did have the money to do it...

"I am not a doctor." Was my inadequate response. It would just make him, and everyone else, more curious, but with any luck they would just chalk me up as a mysterious eccentric and leave it at that after a couple months.

Brond rolled his eyes with a smile, large arms crossed over his chest. "Keep your secrets then." He laughed. "What is that supposed to be then?" He asked, pointing to the squares of land Darwin had marked off near the houses foundation. At least he was nice enough to change the topic for me.

"That's where my planters will go. Can hardly be a good herbalist or alchemist without growing my our supply, right?" I said with a shrug. 

"There are a lot of them."

He wasn't wrong, but I was a mage, and the maintenance of them on my own would not be too hard. I might not be able to solo dragons like other S-Ranked mages, but I sure could water several large flower beds all at once. I am real over powered like that...

"I rather have too many than too little, only to have to get this cranky old bastard out here again."

At that Brond laughed out loud. "I guess I can understand that."

"I just wish I could go back into the forest." I sighed, looking at the location in question. It was right there, touching my lands. Though, my home was being built quite a ways back from it. I wasn't that foolish. "The seasons are changing, and the herbs I would like to collect will be withered by the time I get to them now."

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