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I had just finished off my desert of fresh berries and cream when the young Trick returned. To be honest, he had come back even faster than I would have thought.

"Back already?" Brond asked from the bar, rearranging liquor bottles and getting ready for his busy lunch rush that was due to arrive quite soon. He owned the only bar in town, apparently, and so he got quite a lot of business. "You didn't just give up did you?"

"Like I would!" Trick snapped, stomping up to the bar. He stood next to me, where I sat on a bar stool, empty bowl in front of me, and glared at the huge bar keeper. "I got my job done proper, I did."

I chuckled. "Alright, then what is the word?"

"Nola says that she will be free in about two hours if you wanted to meet soon. Other wise it will have to wait till the day after tomorrow."

"Oh? That's great news!" I smiled, clasping my hands together happily. "I will, happily, take the free slot in two hours then."

"Alright, I'll head back and let her know then." Stated Trick, plucking another piece of straw out of his tunic.

"Thank you. And, so long as Brond can spare you, if you could show me around the village I'd be very grateful. There would be another silver in it for you?" I added, sharing a side long smile with Brond.

Trick's eyes lit up and he shot his guardian a hopeful look.

Brond laughed. "Go ahead. Just know that you will still need to do the dishes when you get back."

"Yes!" Trick said, clenching his fist and his face splitting into the first real smile I had seen from him yet.

"And you better be a gentlemen too." Brond called after the boy as he dashed back out of the tavern, already hurrying to deliver my message to the steward, Nola. Brond shook his head, laughing as the boy vanished out the door. "A good day for him. Two weeks wages and he gets a couple hours off work? I think you might have made your self a new best friend, Miss Cass."

I smiled. Already I was pleased with this town, Soren, and it's people. It had a very calming atmosphere. "He seems like a good person to have on my side. But, what about this Nola woman? Is there anything I should be aware of before I go and speak to her?"

"Hmm." Thought Brond, setting out clean mugs. "She is a famous beauty around here... But, I suppose that really wasn't the information you were thinking about. Lets see... She is a pretty typical noble woman I suppose. She seems up tight and stern at first, but she actually is quite kind. She started working for Lord Dusker about seven years ago, I think, and he has nothing but praise for her good work. But she is pretty aloof, at least amongst us commoners."

"Is there a large divide between the classes here?" I asked. There would always be separation between royalty, nobles, and the common folk, but in a small county like this, the lines could get a little blurred.

"Depends on how you mean that." Stated Brond. "You won't see Count Dusker down here at my tavern without a reason, but he is a good man for a noble. Our taxes are not exorbitant, and he has real interest in making sure we are all safe and prosperous. I don't think we could ask for anything more from our lord, really."

"That is good to hear." Dealing with a garbage lord would be a pain, though not necessarily a deal breaker for me. But if this Dusker was a good lord than that was all the better. I knew better than most just how bad nobles could truly be.

"If you are looking for a quiet life, than this is a pretty good place to be." Brond said, and I could tell by his tone that he was trying to  feel out my motives for being here. "We are close to the border, but far enough away from main roads. And, with the Strasa forest between us and the Bartron Kingdom, we are not often drawn into conflicts between nations."

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