Chapter Thirteen

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After Sarah doesn't answer Cece's call for the tenth time, Cece sets out to the Cameron's house. Cece pulls into the drive way and sees that Ward and Rose's cars are missing. Cece is fed up with Sarah, she's not answering calls, ditching Cece for the pogues. It's like they aren't even friends anymore. Cece doesn't bother knocking and just walks into the house, "Sarah! Sarah please answer my damn calls!" Cece yells but gets no response. The house is quiet. "Fuck," Cece mutters under her breath.

"Now why the fuck did you just barge into my house yelling for Sarah? She's not here," Rafe walks in from the porch. Cece looks at him annoyed. "We can sit out here if you want to calm down." Rafe smiles at her.

Cece follows him outside to the porch. They sit down and look at each other, "So how are you?"

"Not good, but what are you going to do?" Rafe sniffles.

Cece sighs, "Where is she?" Rafe shrugs.

"Did I hear Cece?" Wheezie walks outside and joins the two.

"Hey Wheez," Cece gives her a smile.

Wheezie plops down in a chair and sighs, "Hey."

Cece looks at Rafe then at Wheezie, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

"Sarah is getting another father daughter trip down to the Bahamas."

Rafe's head turns to Wheezie, "What did you say?"

Wheezie repeats it, "Yeah, Sarah and dad are at the private airstrip right now. A secret vacay they didn't think I was going to find out about."

Cece sees Rafe's expression change. He stands up and grabs Cece's arm, "We are getting your friend." Rafe's grip on her arm tightens as they walk through the house and to his car.

Cece fights his grip and finally breaks free, "Let go! If you want me to go with you I will but you can't touch me like that."

The two are standing by his car. He sighs and pulls her into a hug, "I'm sorry. I'm just a little mad."

Cece moves away from him and walks toward the passenger side of the car, "Let's just go." It was a silent car ride until they got to the airstrip. While pulling in they saw the plane stopped in the middle and the pogue van. Rafe slows the car, but the sounds of sirens and the sheriff's car driving fast passed them alarmed the two. Rafe drives up and parks to the side of the plane. Before leaving the car and reaches over to the glove box and grabs a gun. "What the fuck? Rafe? What are you doing with that?" Cece looks over at him, he's unbuckling himself and getting out of the car. "No Rafe! Stop!" Cece unbuckles herself. She catches up to him and tries to stop him. "Rafe! No!" She stands in front of him but he covers her mouth while she tries to yell. He shoves her and she stumbles, falling on to the pavement. He walks away. Cece pushes up from the ground and before she reaches Rafe again a shot goes off. Cece stops. Her throat goes dry, she tries to swallow but she can't. Rafe is paused too. She runs to the other side of the plane to see who was shot, while Rafe just slowly walks. And then she sees it. It was Peterkin. The Sheriff. Laying on the ground. Bleeding out.

"Cece?" Sarah's weak voice was suddenly booming in her ear.

Cece looked up from Peterkin to Sarah. Ward was already lecturing Rafe, trying to get the gun out of his hand and John B was kneeling next to Peterkin. "Sarah," her voice was shaky. Cece walked slowly toward her and gave Sarah a hug. She could hear Sarah's sobs. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The two pulled out of the hug and Sarah looked over at John B.

"Run," She said weakly.

He looked up at her, crying. He shook his head. Cece looked at the two, she walked over to him, "Run. You have to. I'll take care of her." Cece knelt down by Peterkin holding her hand and trying to apply pressure to the wound.

John B stood up and looked at Sarah. She saw Rafe heading toward him. Sarah yelled, "John B run!" He ran, picking up his pace while Rafe shot after him. Cece already had blood all over her hands and clothes. She walked over to Rafe and tried to stop him and calm him down.

Ward looked at Peterkin and Sarah, "Rafe, take your sister and her friend home."

Rafe walked over to Sarah who was screaming and crying. He picked her and started dragging her toward his car. "Sarah it's for the best!"

Cece stood there and watched Rafe shove Sarah in the car. Rafe walks over to Cece and reaches out for her arm. "No," she moves back slightly.

"Look, Cierra. I don't want to hurt you. Get in the car." Rafe looks at Cece and then at Ward and then back to her.

Cece looks him dead in the eyes, "You shot Peterkin."

Rafe slaps her. His hand hits her cheek hard enough to leave a mark. "Don't say that. I was protecting my dad."

Ward stood up from Peterkin and walked over to the two, "Rafe, take Sarah home." Rafe walked away hesitantly. Ward put his two blood soaked hands on Cece's shoulders, "I'll give you anything if you leave and don't tell anybody any thing." Cece looked at Ward's hands, not saying a word. "One hundred? Five hundred? Name your price."

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