Chapter Six

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Sarah cheered as Topper reached the edge of the roof. Cece's fear soon turned into drunken excitement as she saw the crowd wasn't concerned. Topper jumps, Sarah in his arms. The two land in the pool, surfacing with laughter. Cece ran to the edge of the pool, "Jesus Christ Sarah! Why the fuck did you do that?" Cece laughs pulling Sarah out of the pool.

"My heart is racing!" Sarah laughs hugging Cece.

Topper pulls himself out, then taking Sarah's hand, "Hey, I want to talk to you. Can we walk down to the beach?" Cece smiles at Sarah and walks back toward the house, leaving the couple.


"Cierra Swift," Cece turned around so fast that some of her drink spilled out of her cup. Only one person called her by first and last name.

"Hi Carter, how are you?" Cece replies slightly annoyed.

"I'm good, I'm good. You?" Carter fixes his stance so he is facing her.

"Great, absolutely great. Why are you asking?" Cece leans against the wall, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Carter laughs, "Well, I just heard that you and Maybank hooked up recently. Just wanted to know if that was true. I mean going from me to him is kinda shitty. Kook to pogue, you're like Kiara."

"It was a drunken mistake, not sober. I'm not like Kiara," Cece sighs looking down at her drink, "You were a sober mistake. Sorry, babe." She pats him on the shoulder and walks away.

Sarah runs toward Cece, "We need to talk."

"Where's Topper?"

"Can we just talk?" Sarah pulls Cece into a bathroom.

Cece looks at Sarah who is all nervous and panicky, "What's wrong?"

Sarah sighed, sitting on the toilet seat, "I don't know. I thought I liked him."


"Yeah, I mean I think I like every guy I'm with but, I can't have sex with them. I'm sixteen and all my friends have had sex but I haven't."

Cece looks at Sarah, "That doesn't mean you don't like or even love them. You can have sex with someone and feel absolutely nothing for them and you can love someone and not have sex with them."

Sarah looks up at Cece and gives a soft smile, "Thank you. I just don't understand. I though I loved Topper."

"Dude, you can love Topper without having sex with him," Cece squats down in front of Sarah, so they're at each others level. "He didn't pressure you, right?"

Sarah shook her head, "No, we were making out and then he started to take off my swimsuit and I wanted to go along with it, but I told him no."

Cece hugs Sarah, "It's okay, if you're not ready, you're not ready." Cece pulls out of the hug smiling at Sarah. Sarah leans forward and kisses her. Cece let's the kiss happen, she was shocked. It wasn't until recently that Cece found out she liked Sarah. Sarah was Topper's girlfriend by then and she didn't want to ruin her friendship with Sarah. As Sarah kissed Cece, she realized that the kiss might not be real. That she saw Sarah drink quite a bit. That Sarah, even though she was kissing a girl right now, was straight. Cece stopped the kiss by standing up, "Um... you're drunk. I'll get Topper to bring you home."
Cece walked out of the bathroom leaving Sarah alone. Cece was walking around house trying to get a grasp on the whole situation when she ran into Topper, "Hey, Sarah is in the bathroom kinda, really drunk. You should probably take her home now."

Topper nods, "Thanks, I will. See you later."


Cece lays on her bed staring at the ceiling. The lights are off as she thinks about everything that happened that day. She wanted it to be true, but she knew it wasn't. Cece didn't wake up until one the next day. Her day was halfway done already. "Shit," She looks at her phone contemplating calling Sarah. "Hey, this is Sarah. The only reason I wouldn't pick up is if I'm driving. I call you back when I park!" Cece sighs getting out of bed. She picks up random clothes off her floor and slowly puts them on.

"Hey Cierra!" She hears her mom call from the down stairs. "Are you still going to the movie night?"

Cece walks down the stairs to see her parents in the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm going why?"

"No reason, we just wanted to have a nice night in and we didn't want to have to worry about you," her father speaks, taking a sip of coffee.

"I'm pretty sure one of the Camerons will be there and so will Topper," Cece shrugs.

Her mom slide a glass of orange juice towards her, "You didn't hear? Topper's boat sank. My sister blames him, so no movie. From what I know."

Cece downs the orange juice, pouring herself more, "I would blame him too."

Her father laughs, "Attagirl!"


"Look Adora, he isn't the smartest. Not when it comes to the boat. I love him but his father isn't teaching him correctly when it comes to boats."

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