Chapter Five

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"The beach clean up is today," Sarah played with sand. The two girls are sitting at the beach watching the sunrise.

"Yeah, I know." Cece stared at the sky. "There's a party too. At Jace's house."

"Yeah, Topper told me about it." Sarah looks at Cece. "Are you going, because I'm stuck going with Topper."

"I'll probably go," Cece sighs, standing up. She holds her out toward Sarah. Sarah takes Cece's hand and stands up, "We should head to the beach for the clean up. I texted Topper we'd meet him there."

Sarah walks toward the grass, "Yeah, I'll tell Wheezie to get ready." Sarah runs toward her house, Cece walking to her car. Cece grabbed the keys out of her back pocket, unlocking her car. She gets in the driver's side and starts the car. Cece rolls the windows down and plugs her phone into the charger in her car. She plays her summer playlist and waits for the two Camerons. "Look who decided to finally wake up," Sarah parades Wheezie out to the car approximately twenty minutes later. The two get in the car, Wheezie buckling herself into the middle seat angrily and Sarah getting into the passenger seat. "Sorry it took so long."

Cece starts to reverse, "You're fine." After pulling out of the drive the trio head to the beach. After parking and walking on to the beach Sarah runs to Topper and Wheezie finds one of her friends. Cece walks slowly to the couple, "Good morning, Top."

"Hey C, what's up?" Topper has his arm around Sarah's shoulder.

"Nothing much, I'm ready to clean a beach!" Cece says in a fake enthusiastic voice, getting a giggle and laugh from both Topper and Sarah.

"Well, I think we might get to have some fun," Topper nods his head backwards gesturing to a cooler which both girls make the assumption that it contains alcohol.


Wheezie throws up some more into the toilet, Sarah holding her little sister's hair. "I can't believe you actually let her drink."

Sarah looks away from the toilet to Cece standing in the door frame, "I thought she'd take one sip and hate it! I didn't know she would keep drinking!"

"I'm right here," Wheezie voice sounds muffled but echoed due to her head still being in the toilet, "Don't talk like I'm not here."

Sarah runs Wheezie's back, "Okay, I'm sorry." Sarah looks back at Cece, "Are you still
going to the party?"

Cece nods, Wheezie pulls her face out of the toilet, "Party?!"

Cece laughs, "Yeah, one with extreme drinking that will get you stuck like this again."

Wheezie sighs, "It's absolute torture just staying here every night."

"Go out with one of your friends." Sarah suggests. Wheezie groans, inching away from the toilet. Sarah stands up dusting her legs off, "Be careful with what you eat today, I don't want you to get an upset stomach."

Wheezie finally stood up and nodded. She walks out of the bathroom, leaving Cece and Sarah alone, "I can't believe how nice of a sister you are."

"What are you talking about?"

"Izzy was the worst older sister, which, you know, helped with building my character but also sucked."

Sarah scoffs and walks out of the bathroom, Cece following, "Yeah, well you guys were never close. She's like fifteen years older than you. Me and Wheezie are closer in age." The two walk into Sarah's room, "So when is this party supposed to start?"

"I'm guessing when it's dark so like nine?"


"You're here!" Sarah throws her arms around Cece as she walked through the door. "I didn't think you were coming!"

"Yeah, I texted you saying I was going to be late." Cece looks around the house looking for alcohol. "Did you not read my text?"

Sarah was more bubbly and bouncy than usual, probably due to the drink in her hand, "I lost my phone!" She laughs loudly, "It's somewhere on the property!" She grabs Cece's hand and drags her to the kitchen. "We have to get you all caught up on shots," Sarah pours different liquids together in a cup and hands it to Cece, "It's like five shots in one."

Cece shrugs and drinks it, "How drunk are you?"

"Like not at all," Sarah laughs, "This is like my second drink."

Topper rounds the corner smiling at the two, "Hey, slow down there!"

Cece pours her cup to almost the top, "Look at Sarah! She's way drunk, she lied and told me she only had two drinks."

Topper takes the cup from Cece, "She did, she's just in a good mood. Which means I'm going to steal her for one sec." He takes her hand the the two start walking towards the stairs.

"Wait there! I'll be right back I promise," Sarah turns back toward Cece, waving. Cece looks at her cup that was confiscated by Topper sitting two feet away. She sighs picking it up and downing it.

A couple minutes later she's hears cheering and commotion outside. She takes her cup and walks out of the sliding glass door. Cece looks in the direction of the pool where everyone is standing, then up where everyone is looking. She sees Topper carrying Sarah yelling about something. "Holy shit Sarah!" Cece drops her empty cup and looks at the couple in fear.

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