Chapter Two

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"Hurricane Party!" Sarah throws her hands up as Cece walks toward the door.

"I packed enough for one night, so let's hope it doesn't last longer than that," Cece has a backpack and a pillow. She walks into Sarah's house and sees Wheezie, "Hey missy, I haven't seen you in forever!"

Wheezie walks toward Cece, "Yeah, that's because Sarah hogs you."

"She's my best friend, you know that right?" Sarah crosses her arms.

"Oh to be fought over," Cece closes her eyes and smiles. 

"Nobody of quality would ever fight over you," the harshness in Rafe's voice makes Cece open her eyes. Rafe stands by the stair case, "Why are you in my house?"

Cece rolls her eyes, "Because your family likes my company more than yours." Rafe mumbles something and walks away. "I'm going to put these in your room but I'll be right down." Cece walks up the stairs and turns left into Sarah's room. Sarah's room is decorated with photos of Cece, Topper, and sea turtles.

"Hi Cece! I didn't know you were here already." Rose peeks her head into Sarah's room.

"Hi Rose, I came a little early," Cece smiles and Rose nods and walks down the hallway. Cece returns downstairs, where all of the Camerons are, "Are we ready to have fun or what?!"

Ward smiles, "I forgot you were coming over Cierra." He hands both her and Sarah a glass full of punch.

Sarah and Cece look at each other, "Cheers!" They both take a sip and giggle. "I'm so glad you're here!" Sarah hugs Cece. There's a pitter-patter on the window signaling the start of rain. Sarah stares into Cece's eyes and grabs her hand. "The rain started!" she drags Cece outside and toward the shoreline. The girls can hear warnings yelled by Ward and Rose, but they ignore them. The girls look out into the ocean laughing and dancing in the rain.

The rain gets harder and Cece looks into the distance, "Sarah! Who's that?" Cece grabs Sarah's shoulder and turns her toward someone surfing in the distance. They spot someone else, "Holy shit! Who's crazy enough to surf during a hurricane?"

Sarah squints, "I think that's John B!" Sarah takes one step closer, "And Pope!"

Cece shakes her head, "Of course! They're crazy enough surf during a hurricane. Come on, let's go inside." The two girls walk back to the house. When they walk in, they're greeted with towels.


Cece opened her eyes and looked around. The living room was empty. She sat up and walked toward the back entrance. She saw everyone outside. Ward and Rose talking to what seemed to be the person in charge of all the back up generators, Rafe was drinking a beer talking to his friends, Wheezie was mad and storming back to the house, and Sarah had a racket of some sort. Cece walked passed Wheezie toward Sarah. "Get away! Ahh! It's like mouse genocide!" Sarah waves the rackets toward bird flying above. She screams some more until Ward gets her to quit. She turns around in defeat and sees Cece. "Omg! I didn't know you were awake!"

"Sorry, I kinda slept in," Cece rubs the back of her head.

"Girl, it's only nine. I woke up early because my dad and Rose were talking damages." Sarah sighs looking around her backyard. "Are we still on for a beach clean up?"

Cece checks her phone, "Probably, I don't know though. My dad wants me to clean up at home, but I'll call you later." Cece walks back into the house and grabs her backpack. She waved goodbye to Wheezie, who was still complaining about service and wi-fi. Cece's house was only a block away from Sarah's, across the street almost. When she got back to her house, she used her key to open the front door.

"Hey sweetie, we have lots to clean up. Your mom is in the back talking to your aunt about something, but you could help with cleaning up all the plants that were uprooted." Cece's father walks down the stairs towards her.

"Sounds good, um... where are you going?" Cece notices her dad putting on his coat.

"I have to check on some things that went awry in Charleston, I'll be back on Monday." Tom kisses her on the forehead and leaves the house. Cece sighs, walking up the stairs into her bedroom. Her room is decorated with photos of her, Sarah, Topper, and her dog Nitro who died three months ago.

Cece starts rearranging the photos and books on her desk when her phone rings, "Hello, this is Cece."

"Hey girl, beach clean up got pushed back, but do you want to still wanna hang out?" Cece could tell Sarah was in a car, she could hear Wheezie and Topper talking about a show in the background.

Cece was about to answer yes, when she saw a box that contained a necklace she had bought at the crystal shop three days ago. Cece picked up the box, "Actually I have to stay at home and help my mom with her garden, the hurricane did a number on it."

Cece could hear the disappointment in Sarah's voice when she responded, "Oh, okay. Well good luck on the garden."

Cece hung up and grabbed her wallet and box off her desk. She was walking down the stairs when she heard her mom, Adora, walk in through the back door. "Hey mom! I'm going to meet Sarah at the beach! I love you!" Cece ran out the door and got in her car. She knew it was a bad idea but she had to give it a shot, she was driving toward the cut. Once Cece reached a random convenience store, she parked and got out of her car. She saw the dock with a boat approaching it and a girl walking toward the end of it. Cece got out of the car and started running toward the girl. "Kiara!" Cece yelled trying to get Kiara to stop. The three boys on the boat looked at Cece strangely. Kiara stopped and turned around to face Cece. "Hey, I just wanted to give you this," she dug into her pocket and gave the box to Kiara.

Kiara took the box and looked at it, "What is this?"

Cece looked at the boys and gave a small wave, "It's a necklace of a sea turtle silhouette, with green sea glass. I saw it at the crystal shop by your house and it reminded me of you."

Kiara set down the cooler in her hand and opened the box. "Thanks," she looks up at Cece and smiles.

Cece smiles, "Um... happy Agatha." She turns around and hear the boys respond with 'Happy Agatha' but Kiara doesn't.

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