Chapter Tweleve

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Cece sat in Rafe's room watching him pace back and forth. "Why are you so focused on Sarah?" Cece was over it. Sarah had left her for the pogues and now Rafe was crazy about it.

"It's my dad I'm worried about. Okay! John B has come into our life and my dad doesn't care. He doesn't see that John B is bad for Sarah." Rafe was angry.

Cece was over it. "Bad for Sarah? John B and your dad are getting along fine. Sarah isn't going to get ruined by him. I think you need to let it go."

Rafe stopped pacing and looked at her sitting on the bed. "What?" He walked toward her, "Are you on their side?" Cece rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed. She walked passed Rafe and towards the door but he grabbed her arm. "I can't believe you're still on her side! She left you! She doesn't care about you."

Cece's arm started to hurt from his grip, "Let go of me." He looks down at his hand around her arm and let go. "I'm not taking sides. I won't take sides between the two of you."

Rafe's eyes goes soft, "I know. I'm sorry. I just got a little worked up." He tried to hug her but she just left his room. She walks down the hallway toward Sarah's room.

Sarah walks up the stairs, "Hey I didn't know you were here!"

She hugs Cece, "Yeah, I just got here though. I assumed you were in your room." Sarah's all smiley and Cece notices. "What's with you?"

Sarah looks down the hallway and rushes Cece into her room. "A lot has happened. We found the gold. All of it. ALSO! John B and my dad are fishing right now!"

"Fishing? Like on a boat?" Cece laughs at the idea.

"Yeah," Sarah smiles, "it's actually kinda nice. My dad is actually trying to get to know him."

"I like you like this."

"Like what?"

Cece laughs, "Happy. John B makes you super happy. Your face lights up every time you talk about him."


Cece is driving home. It's dark out and she can barely see anything. She drives trying to pay attention to the road to make sure nothing is in the way. A person runs across the road in front of her and she slams on the breaks. "Jesus Christ!" Cece turns off her car and gets out. JJ is frozen on the road. "JJ! What the hell? Why did you run in front of me?"

Cece is panicked and yelling at him but he seems relieved. He runs up to her and grabs her shoulders, "Oh thank god it was you! For a second I thought I accidentally ran in front of a random person."

"What?" Cece screams at him, but he covers her mouth.

"Sh! Just be quiet!" JJ's hand is still covering her mouth. "Look! I have to tell you something important and you need to be quiet." Cece nods and JJ slowly removes his hand from her mouth. "You'll hear something in the news but it's not real. It's fake."

"Hear what?"

"That John B hurt Ward."

"John B hurt Ward? Does Sarah know?" Cece starts to reach for her phone in her pocket.

JJ grabs her arm to stop her, "Not yet! But it's not real. Ward hurt himself and is blaming it on John B. Ward killed Big John. Ward knows about the gold. He tried to kill John B."

Cece tried to process everything but couldn't. "What? None of this makes sense."

"Please," JJ looks into her eyes, "you have to believe me."

Cece nods, "I do. I believe you."

JJ sighs and let's go of her, "Good. John B is telling Sarah the truth right now. You can drive home, but it's best to stay away from the Cameron's house for awhile."

Cece nods. JJ starts to walk away, "Wait! JJ!" He stops and turns to look at her, "Do you need ride?" JJ nodded. The two got in the car, "Do you need me to drive you to your house or John B's?"

"The chateau."


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