The point of no return

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         That night we all hopped on an airship to Yorknew and were there by morning. I stretched myself out in the living room of the hotel we stayed at. "Hey adult people, I'm hungry!" Kite poked his head into the room "hi hungry, I'm Kite." Reiki walked out behind him. "Do you want takeout?" He pulled out his phone and I shrugged. "Killua what do you want to eat?!" I yelled to him even though he was in the bathroom. "Chinese!" At least he yelled back. I shrugged and turned to Reiki "Chinese food for us. I can pay if you want." He nodded and took everyone's orders and finally set the phone down. "Ok Y/n, since you're paying you can go pick up the food. Take Killua with you and leave in about 20 minutes." I nodded and flopped onto the couch and played on my phone, listening to Killua watching the TV. He sat on my back and clicked through the channels.

    I heard Gon and the others talking in the room next to the living room. They were really into this thing about the ants. Luckily he had cheered up real fast from our little talk. "Y/n let's go now, I wanna stop at the convenience store and grab some drinks." Killua got up and shoved one of his hands in his pocket, holding his other out for me to take. I grabbed it and stood up, walking to the door. We were walking to the restaurant using a gps that held the address. Conveniently the restaurant was right next to a convenience store. Me and Killua split up and got our stuff. I had three bags of takeout while Killua had two bags that held two liters of soda in each. He switched both bags into his left hand and reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of bubble gum. He held it out for me and I grinned.
"Want some?"

"Yeah but my hands are full. Feed me!" He rolls his eyes but unwraps it and puts the piece of gum in my mouth. I smile and begin to chew it up happily. How do I describe the taste of bubble gum? Really, it's its own flavor. I'm chomping on my gum but then a thought popped into my head. "Killua, I think Gon is going to die." He frowns and his bangs cover his eyes. "Don't say stuff like that." I hummed and blew a bubble it popped pretty small so it was easy to get back into my mouth. "Well, I don't think it'll be for a while. He'll come back. I just think his heart is going to stop." Killua sighed and we kept walking. "Do you remember that from your dream?" I shrug "I don't remember it but it could've happened in it."
He oohed "let's maybe not talk about dying right now. I think we've both had enough dying to last us three lifetimes." I shrug once more "sorry if I killed the mood. Just figured I should say what I thought." He nodded "it's ok."

We got back and I set all the food in the coffee table. "Foods here!" Everyone flooded into the living room and sat down, grabbing their food. I had teriyaki chicken with white rice and I CHOWED DOWN. I literally inhaled that shit and began sipping on a Diet Coke. Gon and Killua were goofing of per usual and I sat between the twins. "So, what have you been up to since going to greed island?" I hummed and set my drink down. "Do you want a short summary or a long detailed explanation?" They both smile and Ryo ruffled my hair. So began the discussion of our time apart. It was met with many questions and oh's and oh my gods. Mostly regarding the traumatic events. And so we found ourselves still awake at two in the morning.

Kite walked into the room, followed by Killua. "Y/n, bedtime." I huffed and crossed my arms "I'm not a child, I don't have a bedtime." He rolled his eyes. "Y/n we have to be on a plane to the NGL in four and a half hours. Plus, it's a real bed!" My eyes widened "is it soft?" He grins and nods "the softest." I shot up and tripped over the coffee table, getting up and following Killua. "Later losers!" I waved them off and heard Kite telling them to sleep. I was going to flop onto the bed but Killua stopped me and pointed to a lump on the left side. "Gon's asleep with that one guys dog. So be carful." I oohed and nodded, crawling into the middle of the bed, my back facing Gon. Killua slipped into bed and wrapped an arm around my waist and the other under our pillow.

     "Y/n?" I hummed and snuggled my face into his chest. "I love you." I backed up and watched his eyes as they stared back at mine. They were a beautiful shade of blue. I wouldn't give the color a name, they were their own, unique color. The moonlight reflected perfectly off of them.
"I love you too." I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his cold lips. His hand slipped up and cupped my cheek, kissing be back. The kiss was short and sweet. "Ugh gross, I'm here too!" Gon whisper shouts and me and Killua laugh, covering our mouths so that we don't wake anyone else sleeping in the room. Considering that we were horrible at keeping our laughs quiet we probably woke up at least three. There was another bed and a pullout couch in the room.

    It was a struggle getting out of bed in the morning. Gon had to drag both me and Killua. When we finally made it to the airport all we had to do was show our hunters licenses and we were in. We boarded an airship and were in the air by 7. The NGL was in another continent so it took us a while to get there. Fifteen hours of boredom and sleeping on the airship. When we finally got to a neighboring country to the NGL we got into a car that was going to to take us there. It was dark out but I couldn't sleep. Something is wrong. Something bad is going to happen in that country. I was sat on Killua's lap as he lay with his head back, passed out and drooling a bit. I sighed and leaned back against the car door. It was morning when we got to the NGL.

       We had to do a lot of checks and meet a lot of conditions to even get into the country. Apparently this place was complete cut off from the rest of the world. They basically lived in the dark ages. In the end on six of us made the cut. Kite, Gon, Killua, myself, and two others that I honestly couldn't remember the names of. I was in a tight fitting black tank top and maroon pants. I also adorned black flats that weren't really practical for our line of work. I passed the threshold of the NGL and stepped into the country. Like deja vu, I saw myself doing this once before and all the dark consequences. My breath hitched as the feeling of fear crept up my back. "Y/n, are you ok?" Killua grabbed my shoulder and I stared forward. Kite and the others looked back at my frightened expression.
"So this is it? We're past the point of no return. There's no going back now."

(A/n: I gotchu @Bickyispretty there's ur bubble gum 💕 also sorry for the late update I'm kinda rlly sick rn soooo yeh 😐)

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