Just keep digging just keep digging 🪨

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The digging went by rather fast but not to fast. The second day of digging Gon and Artemis decided to dig together while me and Killua did the same. Apollo opted out of this one and chose to take a nap beside Bisky. Me and Killua kept digging in silence until I stopped. Something had been weighing on my mind. Killua noticed I stopped moving and did so himself. "Hmm, what's wrong?" I kick a bit of dirt to my right. "Well I've just been thinking a bit.." I trailed off and Killua laughed a bit. "That's never a good thing!" I punched him the shoulder but brushed it off. "Well, I had this nightmare right before my dad found me and it's really confusing me." Killua plopped down on a pile of dirt and I sat down across from him. "What happened in your nightmare?"

I thought of a good way to word it and then spoke up. "In the nightmare I had use my nen ability, nightmare, on him and he died at the end. I won't bore you with the details but these things, these monsters made of rotten flesh and supposedly bad memories killed him. I think that somehow they were what actually killed my dad later on." Killua's brows furrowed and he sat thinking. He opened his mouth to speak but was abruptly cut off by Bisky. "What's wrong? Why have you two stopped digging?" I stood up and apologized "sorry Bisky, something has been on my mind recently and Killua was just trying to help me make sense of it." She squinted her eyes at us but shrugged "what was it?" I was almost positive that Bisky would be able to provide me with some kind of answers but I decided it might be better to talk in private. Not that I wouldn't tell Killua later but, it just feels right.

"Just family problems, I can tell you later if you want." I gave her the look and she nodded. You know, that look that means meet me and the 17 other girls in the bathroom at exactly 2:23. If you know, you know. She left and Killua grumbled "jeez, what crawled up her ass." I laughed and got back to digging. He joined me soon "so why did you bring up those fleshy monster things anyway?" I bit the inside of my cheek and kicked the top of my shovel to get more dirt. "I was just thinking about how I'm alive right now and that those monster things could be the reason. I don't know where they came from but I think they might be connected to my mother." Killua stopped digging once again and turned to me. "How would some nen monsters be related to your mother?"

  I kept my eyes forward and kept digging "well after I first woke up I pretended to still be asleep. Chrollo and my dad ended up mentioning my mother and how they killed her. My dad said he had to kill her twice because she had some kind of nen ability that could bring her back to life. I'm not entirely sure but maybe those monsters were hereditary." Killua let out a knowing oh and got back to digging. We got through the rest of the mountain in silence. Overall we made it to Masadora the same day. Then Bisky had us come back and then immediately told us to go back to Masadora again! But this time we had to collect monster cards. She sent us on our way and you could see the improvement.

   Bisky watched us all closely as we worked. "When you all are able to catch a bubble horse we can move onto some new training. I also forgot to tell you that you all learned how to use shu on your own. It's the ability to push your aura into objects to fortify them. Now hurry up." Bisky sat on a large rock and talked to us about the new training. She said that she would show us two new extensions of nen if we all caught a bubble horse. While to boys took the horses head on me and Artemis took a quieter approach. We decided to work together to sneak up in the horse. She would attack it from the front as a distraction while I snuck up on it. The plan started once we spotted a horse. I activated Zetsu while Artemis tried to make herself seem bigger by activating her ren.

   I on the other hand, had the genius idea to hop onto the horses back once I was close enough. "Whaa! Giddy up horsy!" I yelled like a cowboy and laughed while the horse bucked me around, trying to shake me off. I don't know how I did it but eventually the horse turned into a card. I picked it up and held it out to Artemis. "Here, take this, I wanna do that again. It was super fun!" She just smiled and pushed the card into my hand. "No, you keep it. You earned that card." I huffed and called out for my book, storing the card. "Then let's go get yours!" I yelled and grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her away to find another horse. We found one and did the same thing, only we switched jobs. It was really fun and we giggled all the way back to camp. Bisky raised her eyebrow at us but we showed her the cards. "Alright, go sit down and wait until the boys are done. They still have to get one."

    We plopped down on the ground by the boulder we slept at and sighed. "So, how do you like greed island so far? Is it everything you thought it would be?" I asked Artemis and she let out a happy sigh. "You have no idea how long I've dreamt of getting to play this game. It's way better than I ever imagined. Especially because I'm with my friends." I smirked and elbowed her in the ribs. "What about Gon huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she we red before pushing me away. "I don't know what you're talking about." I grinned and started poking her in the stomach. "OooOoo! Someone has a crush!" She started slapping at my hands. "I do not! You little rat don't say that!" I started slapping her back and it became a slap fight. We laughed, tickled, tackled, and teased each other until we couldn't breathe anymore. "Why are you guys so out of breath?" Gon and Killua stood in front us while we were panting. Gon held is finger up in question. I saw Bisky do the same behind the boys and screamed "47!"

    "Correct, everyone else, 200 pushups!" My friends all groaned and I gave an evil laugh in victory. I hadn't been around when Bisky started doing the gyo number system but I caught on pretty quick and so far I'm the reigning champ. They all dropped and started doing pushups. I crawled over to where Killua was at and sat next to him. "Wanna make a bet?" He turned his head to me and stopped. "Keep up the push-ups Killua!" He groaned and started again. "What kind of bet?" I grinned "I bet you can't do the rest of your pushups with me sitting on your back!" He huffed and I listened to the muffled talking of Gon and Artemis in the background. "What do I get if I can?" I hadn't thought that far ahead. I hummed "how about a day with Gramps' credit card?" He was quiet for a second. "It's not connected to your account right? So not your money?" I shook my head no. "Ok! It's a deal, get on my back."

    I made my way to sit criss crossed on his upper back. "If I win will you take me on a date?" His arms stopped moving for a brief second. "Yeah, I'll take you out whenever you want. It's been a while since we've been on a real date." I straightened myself out and started playing with my shoe string. I poked at the skates on my shoes. It's been a while since I've worn these. I've been in the converse I got at Killua's house for a while. I need to find a place I can skate, just to get away for a bit. Long story short, Killua won the bet. "Ok, whatever, you win Mr. Hotshot" I rolled my eyes and he raised an eyebrow at me. "You think I'm hot?" He grinned and started poking at my stomach. I pushed him away with a red face. "I never said anything of the sort." It was his turn to roll his eyes before picking me up out of nowhere. "Yeah but you think it!" I laughed and pushed at his chest. "You wish dork wad!"

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