How old am I?🤔

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The trip to Masadora was uneventful and we were tasked with bringing back shovels. We made it back at around dusk. We had to sleep with these rock thing's hanging over our heads which sucked because I kept dropping it on myself. The first few times Killua laughed at me but eventually he started catching them if he was awake enough. It was a small rock so it was easy to catch. Until Bisky caught on to us. She tried to separate us but we wouldn't budge and we agreed that Killua wouldn't catch my rock anymore. Apollo was curled up beside me and I was slumped at his side while Killua's free arm just laid around me. I was finally able to get into the perfect place that was in between being awake and asleep so I was able to keep my rock up.

The next day Bisky told us to go back to Masadora but in a straight line. She handed us the shovels and told us to start digging. It wasn't very easy for four people and a giant cat to fit into the tunnels we were digging so me and Artemis dug our own tunnels beside the boys. The boys seemed to be going for speed but we opted for technique. It didn't take us long to figure out we could spread out aura to objects and made it infinitely easier. We made it through three more mountains before the boys figured it out. We grinned and decided to take a break while Apollo dug in his own for a few minutes. We plopped down inside the tunnel. "So, what happened while you were gone?" I huffed, not wanting to answer.

"You have to promise you won't freak out." She nods and I clear my throat "well you see, I got kidnapped again and-" I see her mouth open like she's about to yell but I slam my hands over her mouth quickly. "I'm not done yet. Anyways, I got kidnapped again and I think I killed my dad somehow but I also died. My dad killed me but somehow I got brought back to life." She blinked, wide eyed and I let my hands fall from her face. "WHAT?!" Artemis has a very loud and shrill scream so I'm not surprised that the boys heard it. They were in the tunnel in seconds "we heard a scream? Is everything ok?" Gon questioned and I sighed "yes Gon everything is perfectly fine." Artemis stood up "no! Everything is not perfectly fine!"

Killua gave me a look and I sighed. He knew what had made Artemis scream almost instantly. "Y/n, you might as well tell him." I stood up and Apollo bumped his head into my hip. "Ok Gon, you're pretty dense so this should be easy. I got kidnapped again and I think I killed my dad. Also I died." This was getting annoying to explain to people so I'm glad Gon understood easily. "Really? Then how are you alive?" I shrugged and picked up my shovel. "Dunno, but I do know that if you guys don't hurry me and Artemis will make it to Masadora faster than you!" The boys ran off after my declaration and me and Artemis got back to work. It was eerily quiet for a while. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away it's just hard to explain."

She sighed and kept digging "it's ok, I should've expected something like that from your dumb ass." I stuck my tongue out "asshole!" After a while of digging we got hungry and made Bisky let us stop to get food. We got more spaghetti and chowed down. We got another one of those useless cards but free food. We went back to the canyon that we'd been staying at and decided to hit the hay. Well, we would've if Killua hadn't said anything. That little shit. "Y/n, wasn't your birthday a few days ago?" I choked on my spit. I completely forgot my birthday even existed. I don't even know how old I am. "Wow Y/n, how old are you now?" Gon plopped next to Killua and I shrugged.

"I dunno, probably 14 but if any sketchy people ask I'm 26." This earned a laugh from Bisky and myself. Apparently my humor is under appreciated around here. "Do you really not know your age?" Artemis asked and I shrugged again. "I know it but I don't. If you asked me I couldn't tell you on the spot but if Killua is 13, then I'm 14." Killua sweat dropped "I can't tell if you're using actual logic or just trying to one up me." I laughed and leaned into his arm and Apollo's back leg. "You'll never know." Gon let go of his rope and spread his hands out wide, as if he was going to saw something but was cut off by the rock. "Oof!" He made a noise of impact but shot back up. "We should have a party for you like we did for Killua back at the hunters exam!"

I laughed at the memory. "I don't know, I think I used my only party supply kit on that." Killua snorted "yeah and you somehow convinced the examiner to give us cupcakes!" I could tell that Artemis felt a bit out of place considering she wasn't there at the time. I chose to brush it off for now and just enjoy the memory. "Yeah, what happened to my bag anyways? I brought it with me because that what had Apollo in it." Killua shrugged "I left it with Netero cause I didn't think you'd need anything in it. Plus if you really need something I know you can conjure it." I hum in a response and yawn. Gon seems to still be jittery so Killua kicked him a bit closer to Artemis and further from us.

I leaned into Killua's side and leaned back a little bit with him. I sighed and began to drift off. After a little while I heard Killua's voice ring in my ear. "Y/n, are you still awake?" I hummed because it wasn't really true but it wasn't a lie either. "I love you." I peeped open my eyes to see the moonlight reflecting perfectly off of Killua's royal blue eyes. "I love you too." I push myself up a little and kiss the corner of his mouth before settling back down into a comfortable position. "You missed." I heard Killua grumble and then I let out a curt chuckle before reaching up to kiss him on the lips this time. It was gentle and his lips were cold like normal. It was soothing. "Get some sleep pretty boy." I had closed my eyes but I knew he was red in the face. He leaned back with me eventually but right before we fell asleep we heard Gon yell. "Gross! Oogies!"

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