Hatsu testing

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   "Alright gramps, prepare for a takedown!" I punched my palm lightly and he chuckled. "I won't fight back unless necessary. This session is just to see how your hatsu's have improved." I nodded. "Which would you like me to start with?" He crossed his arms but layed one finger in his chin. "Whichever one causes the least harm. Probably a defensive hatsu." I let out a deep breath and started up my ren. I'm not quite sure how to set a range but I assume it has to do with the amount of space my ren takes up. My ren reached about three yards from my body. I got into a fighting stance and thought of Aura Intake. I could see my nen clearly and noticed how it took on a purple hue. "Ok, I just need to to step into my range of ren while using ten. This is Aura Intake so it should just take some of your built up aura."

   Netero smiled and casually walked forward and into my ren. I immediately felt a surge of power and Netero made a surprised face, quickly stepping from my range. "Well, I'd say that works quite well. Just work on your range." He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled, dropping my ren to ten. I put my hands on my hips. Which next? Let's go with Chi Tracker. "Ok we're gonna try Chi Tracker. I need a drop of your blood." He raised an eyebrow "I don't remember this part of the ability?" I rolled my eyes "I can't just make an ability dummy. I had to have some limitations." He sighed and pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" "I'm calling Beans so that he can bring me a knife." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well can't you just conjure one?" He stopped clicking his phone. "What, and you can?"

    I shrugged "why not? Can't be that hard." He opened his mouth to speak but stopped as he watched my nen. I focused the ren into my hands I thought of the knife I wanted. It looked just like Leorio's. I didn't feel anything and squeezed my eyes shut. I let out more ren and tried to shape it into a knife. Netero sighed "you're not a conjuror. It won't work." I ignored him and thought of my aura getting more dense. If the bits of aura were put under a lot of pressure then surely they would merge and create an object. Then I felt it. My palms began to gain heft. I felt a small item being to weigh my hand down. Just a little more. I peeked open my eye and there it was, sitting in my palms. A knife! "YEAH! I did it!" Netero snapped his head to me at my exclamation. I jumped up and down at my success.

   I waved the pocket knife in his face. "I did it! You said I couldn't but I did!" His expression was aghast. "How did you do that? Let me see it." I handed him the knife and he felt it around in his hands, feeling it and making sure it was indeed real. "Dunno how I did it. I just figured that enough pressure would cause my aura to merge into an object and then a bit of mental willpower would do the trick. Maybe it has to do with atoms." He handed it back to me but I pushed it back into his hand. "Cut yourself first. I need to ingest a drop of your blood." He nodded and flipped the knife open, pricking his finger with the razor sharp edge. "How do you want to do this?" He queried and I shrugged "just hold your finger over my mouth and squeeze the blood out."

   He gave a curt nod and I opened my mouth while he let a drop of blood fall in. It tasted like copper but I know blood smells like iron. I used gyo and ten and found that a string of nen connected me and Netero. He looked around and then back at me. "I don't feel any different." I rolled my eyes. "You're not supposed to. I can see the string of nen connecting us. It only works when I activate the ability and only I can see it." Netero nods and hands my my knife back. "Ok do you want to do the one that can hurt you or the one that can hurt me?" He held his face in thought. "The one that can hurt me." I nodded and stepped back. Oh shit. How do I get into his mind? I looked and my arms and imagined my hands when I did the water divination test. The water encased my hands and move perfectly with them.

   I let my nen do that to my arms and they looked like nen tentacles. I let them slither their way over to Netero and up to his head, before diving into his ears. My nen detached from the tentacles and consumed his mind. The tentacles slithered back and I used gyo. It gave me an insight as to what was going on in his mind. It was like I was transported into his conscious mind. I saw him staring down a small monster but his lip trembled slightly. I walked over but he didn't acknowledge me. Maybe he couldn't see me? The monster looked like a slimy and grotesque rabbit. What did this rabbit represent? I would probably never know. I leaned down to the rabbit monster and whispered to it. "Get rid of the ponytail then come back."

   It dove straight at Netero and before he could even react his ponytail had been cut off by the monster rabbits razors sharp teeth. It came back and sat down next to me. Now, how do I deactivate this ability and get out of his mind? If the ability is called nightmare.. then the transition words should be dream. "Dream!" I yelled and stopped using gyo. I opened my eyes and saw the nen leak from Netero's ears like blood that only I could see, his eyes were wide with fear. "That's enough for today." I blinked. What? "But what about my other hatsu?-" his face snapped back to normal but I could see an underlying emotion in his eyes. "Todays session is over."

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