Beach party 🌊☀️⛱️

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      I looked up to see the twins "Ryo! Reiki!" I shot up and ran at them, jumping and knocking the two down. "Y/n!" Ryo grabbed me in a tight hug and Reiki laughed. "Been a while Y/n." I hugged Reiki next and we all stood up. I stepped back to Killua and Gon whilst everyone we didn't know looked confused. "I take it you five know each other then?" Gon answered and a girl with pink hair spoke up. "I'm Spinner, who are you three?" I crouched to the ground and Ryo followed. I poked at a stay ant. "Hey, what are you two doing out here?" He shrugged "its a good job for a hunter, especially my nen ability." He tapped his eye patch and I grew confused. "I'll tell you later." I hummed "what about you?" I looked up at the girl.

   "What about me?" She raised her eyebrows "who are you?" I oohed and stood up, brushing myself off. "I'm Y/n Netero." She blew a bubble and popped it. "The chairman has a daughter? Isn't he a bit old?" I waved my hand "adopted granddaughter technically." She hummed but Kite spoke up. "Did you know your parents or previous last name." I rolled my neck and slouched "unfortunately, my given name is Y/n Rashca." Spinner jabbed Kite in the arm with her elbow and mumbles "what's up with these kids?"
The topic is soon dropped and another arises. "There was and Chimera leg found on a beach in the Balsa islands, we're supposed to go examine it and see if it's the queens." I glance to Killua for answers and he points at an ant from the ground. I cocked an eyebrow "how the fuck did you find an ant leg on a beach?"

    "No, totally makes sense now." We'd gone to see the leg in person and holy shit it was bigger than my arm. "Geez, that things probably two meters, definitely big enough to eat a human." Killua crossed his arms to seem smart and a few of Kites team turned to Ryo. Reiki nudged him and he shrugged. "I can try but I don't think I'll get much." Ryo's ren spiked but soon formed into Ken in the form of Gyo in his covered eye. He lifts his eye patch to reveal a completely black eye with a small red pupil. He sighed and flipped his eyepatch down. "Nothing but information on arm. Just stuff we already know." They shrug and myself, Gon, and Killua exchange confused looks. I waved them off "I'll find out and tell you guys later." They nodded and Kite clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's his the beach and see what we can find." The beach sounds fun.

    Well I was having a good time. I took my shoes off and ran onto the beach laughing when I tripped a few times. The people in Kites group seemed a bit annoyed with my antics since they were trying to be serious. Honestly, I don't give a shit. "Y/n, why don't you give it a rest?" Reiki walked over to the shore and I met him so I was shin deep. I crossed my arms "why? I'm having fun!" I smiled and he sighed "Killua!" He jogged over, along with Gon and Ryo. Kite's group drifted our way too. "What's up?" Reiki put a hand on his hips "we're trying to be serious here, this is our work after all." I shrugged "its not my work, think of me as a tourist." Killua rolled his eyes "c'mon Y/n, outta the water." I huffed and splashed him a bit. "No way! Life's to short to be serious, I would know!" I winked and stuck out a peace sign before repeatedly splashing all my friends. I got a few laughs from them but the soon drifted down the beach and I grew tired, sitting down with my feet in the water.

    Eventually Gon and Killua walked back my way. They stopped a few yards away and began to talk, thinking I couldn't hear them. "What was
Y/n talking about earlier?" I glanced at them from my peripheral vision and saw Killua staring out at the ocean. "It's not for me to say. Go ask her if you want. Make it snappy we have to leave soon." Gon nodded and ran over to me, sitting down silently. He opened his mouth to speak and asked the same question. "What did you mean earlier?" I lean forward, elbows on my knees and watched the setting sun. How do I explain this to him? "Well Gon, my health isn't exactly good." He leaned forward too and gave me a confused look. "What do you mean? You're gonna be ok right?" I sighed "to be completely honest Gon, it's not looking good for me right now." I finally faced him with a small smile and his brows furrowed, nose scrunching. "How bad? What is it?" I laughed a bit. "Gon, it's not really defined just side effects of my life really. But, I've been given a supposed time limit."

    His breath hitched and I rolled my eyes "oh, and don't even get me started on the whole dying process!" Now he just looked more confused than he previously did. "Oh right, I never did tell you. I died once already and came back, hence the poor health." He held his head in his hands and sat his elbows on his knees. "So you're gonna die?" I sighed "Everyone dies Gon." He just kept staring at his lap. He gulped "do you think there's a cure?" I laughed "whatever helps you sleep at night. If that stupid greed island card didn't fix me I doubt any other nen can. Could be possible though." "How long do you have?" I leaned onto my folded arms again. "Three years at most. If I'm lucky I'll make it to 18. Though, to be completely honest with you, I think I'll go this year." Gon's eyes grew teary and I rubbed his back to comfort him while he cried. "Don't tell Killua that, don't you dare tell Killua."

(A/n: who likes my lil jjk reference😏. Also, if you read the previous chapter I made a kinda big oopsie and wrote regular crying instead of bloody. Soo yeah but I fixed it now. Anygays, BYE BYE 👋)

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