All eyes turn to me, "that's not quite how it works but close enough."

"So is this why she's been here?" Stark asks. "In case we need a pathfinder?"

Before Fury can speak I answer, "sure is tin man. He's been prepping this for months."

Cap speaks up for the first time, "and what is it that you do exactly?"

"Short answer? Sound waves."

"And the long answer?"

"Long answer is... too long for the amount of time we have."

Stark interrupts, "a demonstration then." He turns to Fury, "I think that's a reasonable request."

Fury turns to me, "tell us, what's in Starks bedside drawer?"

"Oh this'll be fun," I say as I get up and go to the closest wall. Placing a hand on it I close my eyes and make a low note, holding it as images come to me. Sorting through them I finally find Starks bedroom. Sharpening the note I focus on the nightstands, quickly going to the other one when I spot a certain item in Peppers. Looking through Starks I'm actually disappointed that it's empty so I start snooping through the rest of his house, focusing on his lab. Why this man needs so many copies of his suit is beyond me. Something in the far corner of his lab catches my eye and I hone in on it, snapping my eyes open and rounding on Stark, "what the hell are you doing in your lab?"

He looks uneasy as he answers, "what are you talking about?"

"You're playing with things that you know nothing about," I warn him. "Be careful." Turning to Fury I tell him, "there's nothing in his bedside table."

Fury turns to Stark who confirms. "Very well then, let's continue."

Several hours later we are suited up and on the jet on the way to... somewhere. I stoped paying attention after my little demonstration, something that Natasha noticed. "Do you remember the plan?" She asks me as she helps me get my suit situated.

Trying to figure out why there's so many straps on the jacket I mumble, "find a safe path through the compound, don't get killed." Finally having enough of it I rip off the jacket and throwing it on a seat across from me.

"Hey, you ok?" She asks, placing a hand on my arm.

Putting my head on her shoulder she puts an arm around me. "Ive never actually been on a mission before," I admit. "Not with SHIELD, anyway."


"Yes, but not for the reason you think." Sitting up I look at her, "I'm worried about you. If I'll be able to focus with you in danger."

She smiles gently, "honey I'm a trained assassin, I'll be ok. But," she adds after seeing the expression on my face, "I won't take any chances ok? Besides with you here I'll be the safest person on the team."

Her words do little to console me and she knows it, opting to just pull me close and let me stress out. Eventually a red light flashes and Starks voice comes through the intercom, "ok guys and gals we are approaching the target, should be there in around ten minutes. We'll do a drive by first and then set down in a field due south from the compound."

A few minutes later the jet starts to descend and then we land, rather bumpily, and come to a jarring stop. "This is why I do the flying Stark," Natasha teases.

"Hey I offered," he counters. "Besides I had to show Fury that I'm more then a bank account."

"It didn't work," Fury told him as he unbuckled and headed towards the lowering ramp.

All the Colors of Earth (Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now