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Giggling wakes me up, the images of Olympia and Natasha playing come to me. Natasha says something to her and Olympia runs over to me, jumping onto my lap. "Good morning little one," I tell her in Colorian. She gives me a slightly confused look and I ask, "do you understand?" Her face lights up and she nods.

"What did you tell her?" Natasha asks as she comes towards us.

"I asked her if she understood me," I tel her, getting up from my chair.

Natasha scoffs, "how could she?"

I smile and look at Olympia, "show her."

"I talk like her mommy!" Olympia tells Natasha excitedly in Colorian.


"It's in our DNA, it only needs to be activated," I explain.

"I've been trying to teach her Russian for months and she learns your language in seconds," Natasha says in exasperation.

"It's her language too," I remind her gently.

"Yeah I know!" She explodes. "I know it is," she repeats slightly calmer, but waves of anger and frustration come through the Bond.

Looking down at Olympia I tell her, "can you please go in the other room so I can talk to your mommy?" She nods and runs to the other room and I turn to Natasha, "tell me."

"You can't just 'activate' alien dna in my child!"

I fight the urge to say that Olympia is our child, but deep in my heart I know that she's not. I birthed her, I named her, but I haven't earned the right to call her my child. Not yet, maybe not ever.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I should have asked you first," I tell her apologetically.

She looks surprised that I'm not arguing, "what?"

"I said you're right," I repeat. "A lot has changed in ten, five years," I correct. "And I shouldn't have assumed anything. So I am sorry, Natasha. For everything."

"I-" her words are cut off by a banging on the door.

Striding to it I open it to find Lady Frigga, Thor's mother. Bowing slightly I say, "my lady."

She chuckles, "Quake, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Frigga?"

Giving her a smile I say, "I wouldn't want to make your husband jealous after he's been so nice to us."

She gives me a small smack on my shoulder, "cheeky." She looks around the room and her eyes land on Olympia who is hiding behind Natasha. "Now the reason for my visit. Fen?" She says, looking back out into the hall where a child is hiding. "Fen darling it's ok, come here please." Fen pokes their head around the door and runs to Frigga. "Fen heard that there was a little girl here and was wondering if she would like to play," Frigga tells us.

Natasha looks down at Olympia and then surprisingly, to me. Crouching down I smile at Fen, "hey Fen, why don't you show her your trick?"

Fen looks at me and then Frigga, who nods. Shyly, they go and stop in front of Olympia who looks at them curiously. I watch as Fen obviously concentrates and then watch as a moment later an identical copy of Olympia stands where Fen was at. "How did..?" Natasha asks shocked.

Fen changes back and Olympia reaches out and touches them, giggling when Fen changes their hair color to bright purple. "Would it be alright if," Frigga starts to ask, gesturing to Olympia.

"Olympia," I tell her.

She smiles brightly, "if Olympia comes and plays with Fen in their room?"

I can feel the debate coursing through Natasha but she finally says, "that's fine, we need to talk to the others anyway."

"I believe they are all in the courtyard," Frigga tells her. "Come children, let's go play."

Once Frigga and the kids are gone Natasha asks, "what is Fen?"

"Nobody knows, they haven't told anyone a gender yet," I shrug.

Natasha sighs, "no I mean, are they an alien or what? How did they change like that?"

"Well it's a secret that not many people know but considering you've met Fen, I think it's ok. You know Thor's brother Loki? Well Fen is his child," I explain as I go to the closet and pull out clothes for us, tossing her a set.

"Who would have a kid with Loki? He's crazy," she says as she turns her back to me and starts to change. I turn around too, following her lead.

"Loki is... broken, not crazy. But Fen and their mom are helping to fix him. He's come a long way actually." I dress quickly as I wait for Natasha to say something and when she doesn't I tell her, "we should go find the others. I'm sure they are... as thrilled to be here as you."

All the Colors of Earth (Natasha Romanoff)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu