coming for you

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Forrest POV -

I look at the pictures and they are all of me from today. Me walking to my car this morning, on the way home from the book shop and me In the pool. My mouth hangs open in shock who sent these and why? Why would they do this, I notice another thing in the envelope and its a letter.

I'm coming for you pretty girl ;)

I drop everything from my hands and my kness nearly give in i feel sick what the fuck even is this, it has to be a sick joke. I decide to just go to bed and try not to think about it.

I wake up in the morning with bags under my eyes and that same sick feeling in my stomach, I wonder if Landon knows about this . I was tossing and turning all night thinking about things and making up senarioes in my head. I was also scared that someone was gonna break in and take me in the middle of the night who the hell writes '' Im coming for you pretty girl'' its terrifying. I put the pictures and the note on my bedside table, Landon won't be back till tomorrow morning so im hoping he wont see them. I think im going to just forget about it and not to worry about it anymore. Im going out for dinner with some friends tonight so that's a good distraction.

I ended up falling back asleep for a few hours after I woke up now its nearly 1 pm and I have things to do before I go out for dinner, I decided to do a workoor and luckily there is a home gym so i really don't have to travel far.

I get changed into my workout clothes i just went for a simple black sports bra and some black shorts and trainers. i headed down to the gym i saw maria on my way she was smiling like always shes always so happy i just say its great because Landon is always so boring and cold so its nice to have another happy person in this house.

In the gym i do my warm up on the treadmill then decide to do a full body workout I do my cooldown and head to the shower.I love workingout its a great distracion and helps with anything if your angry if your sad and just feel a bit sluggish its a great way to help with your mental health too i used to go running and do half marathons but over time i jut slowley stopped but i would like to get back into it. its only a quick workout because i need to start getting ready to go out for dinner.

I start the shower and strip out of my clothes a light layer of sweat coats my skin making me feel slightly sticky i step under that water and take my hair our from my pony tail letting my head fall back under the warm water and i begin to shampoo my head then do my conditner. i finally got myself some shower gel the other day so i don't have to steal Landon's anymore.

I'm trying to find what to wear but i just have no idea we are going out to a nice resturanut so I want to wear a dress. After rummaging around in my closet for ages i find a long black dress that's backless and simple so I decide to go with that and just some black heels and a bag. i finally picked out my outfit and i quickly do my makeup and put some soft curls in my hair then i grab my bag and leave ivy texted me saying shes leaving hers and athena is already there.

i walk into the restaurant and see ivy sitting at our table as much as im excited for this dinner with my best friends but im also terrified that i have to tell them im married.

''Hey gorgeous how are you, is Athena here?''

''Yeah shes in the bathroom.''

'' Okay good i have news to tell you both and it cant wait''

Then i see athena walking towards the table i haven't seen her in ages shes been travelling with her girlfriend across south east asia. shes got long red hair that flows down her shoulders and shes definetly the most relaxed out of the three of us shes chill with a slight hippe vibe she's an old sould in a young girls body but she is great at advice giving.

We order some drinks and our food athena is telling us all about her travles and it sounds great my dream is to go travelling one day all around the worls especially Europe I want to go back to Italy then I want to go to Greece, France, Spain, England and then come back to new York I would also love a family one day but now I can't see that happening which upsets me all i've wanted is to get married and have children well im married but not in the way I would've liked it to be. But I guess ill cross that bridge when I come to it now I have to break the news to my two best friends I got married without them.

'' Guys I really need to tell you something important''

Their faces change from laughing and smiling to slightly scarred.

''okay so this is a long story, I went to my mom and dads house for dinner just thinking it would be a normal dinner but then this guy showed up and he is a complete ass we sat down and had dinner then my dad told my I have to marry him for some sort of business arrangement.

I look at their faces and they are in shock so I just carry on waffling on about it.

''Then I obviously start screaing at them questioning why and he tells me nothing and then guy at dinner is who im marrying hes a compleye dick but hes sooooo hot like drop dead gorgeous. When I got assaulted at work by that guy he went all physco mode and didn't tell me why. So I got married to him now we live togther in this big mansion and its so lonely and I hate it. ''

I take a deep breath not wanthing to look at their faces. I slowly look up from my hands and stop fiddling with my thumbs to see them staring at me with their mouths wide open.

'' What the actual fuck Forrest.''

'' I'm sorry you guys I wanted you to come to the wedding my father wouldn't let me I mean I couldn't even plan my own wedding for fuck sake I couldn't even pick out my dress.''

I start to feel the tears slip out of my eyes at this point.

'' Im so so sorry I love you both so much I would never do anything to hurt you,''

'' awww babe we know its not your fault its okay .''

Athena looks at me with a sympathetic look on her face however ivy doesn't look to happy. at this point Im full on crying.

'' look Forrest im upset with you obviously but I cant be mad at you its not your fault and we need to meet this mystery husband of yours,''

now im smiling and relief filling is my body to know they aren't extremely mad at me.

'' no way I barely see him as it is no chance you both are meeting him.''

We talk some more and finish our drinks and food then I we say bye to each other and I head home.

But when I arrive home theres someone here and its not who im wanting to see right now.

An :)

Hi everyone thanks for reading next part will be out soon !

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