♡ four ; "could i bother you for a xanax?"

Start from the beginning

Jungkook started to grin sheepishly, "Here," he withdrew the book and held it out to me. I licked my suddenly dry lips and eyed the book in his hands. "Take it." he spoke kindly, a finger coming up to gently push his dark hair out of his eyes.

I shook my head, "Um, i-it's okay. You keep it." I said, declining with a tight-lipped smile.

Why wasn't I running yet?

"Nah," he chuckled, "...I, uh, I just realized I already read this."

I glanced down at the book and oddly enough, arched a brow. "You've read The Sinner?" From the reviews from multiple friends of mine – it was just pure filth.

He reads those kinds of books, too?

Jungkook nervously nibbled on his pierced bottom lip. "I have?" he asked himself, cutely pouting before looking into my eyes, and his widened, "I have! Sure, it's, uh, it's a good one."

I nervously nodded and forced another smile even though my heart was racing out of my chest. I reached out and gently grabbed the book from his grasp. "Thanks," I whispered, feeling the urge to sink against his warmth.

Jungkook smiled and stood to his feet, immediately dwarfing my short frame and peering down at me, black Balenciaga boots scuffing against the carpet flooring inside the Library.

As I sent him another tiny smile and prepared to walk away, he suddenly spoke up. "Moon missed you today –" he said, making me look over at him over my shoulder.

My brows furrowed.

"She was crying up a storm when she realized you weren't there today." he explained, lips pulling up in a wide smile at the mention of his daughter.

Thinking about Moon, it was almost too easy to forget that I was talking to her dad, the very man who caused me to want to run away every chance I got.

"I miss her," I admitted shyly, book tucked under my arm, "Tuesdays are my days off."

Jungkook nodded and ran his eyes up and down my frame, "Good to know." he mumbled too quietly to hear, "Um...you know, i-if you wanted you could always come by to see her whenever you want to, we'd love it!...I mean she would love it! – if you want to that is–" he said quickly, seeing the dumbfounded expression on my face.

I didn't know what to say.

Drop by?
Drop by where?
His house?

You could feel my pulse thud erratically in my neck while I fought for something to say.

With his eyes pleading with me to answer, I finally parted my lips to answer.

"...Sure," I agreed, eyes downcast, not seeing his hopeful eyes, "I'd like that."

"--Could I get your number?" he asked huskily, lips twisting to the side, "So, you know, so I can set everything up?"

Oh dingleberries.

Was he asking for my number?

I was dumbstruck.

He was.

For once in my life, I went off on a limb, and nodded.

"Oh o-okay." I agreed, curling my toes inside my shoes, feeling so small under his stare.

Jungkook's neck jerked back, perhaps from shock, and he suddenly grinned widely. "Here," he dug inside the pocket of his dark jeans and withdrew a sleek black phone. He tapped on it a couple times before handing it to me. "Just put in your number and I'll send you a text."

I wordlessly took the phone from his hand and quickly typed in my number, along with my name before handing it back.

"There you go," I licked at my dry lips and peeking up at him. He was looking deeply into my eyes with his boba-like doe ones and looking at me much kinder than I deserved.

"Thank you!"

I sent him another nervous upturn of my lip before I scurried off, book in hand.


third pov ; jeon jungkook

Jungkook grinned widely, heart speeding inside his chest as he watched River walk away, her steps quickening. He felt like cheering and jumping for you because not only did he talk to her more, but he also got her number!

Talk about progress, right?

Jungkook's thumbs slightly shook due to his excitement and he bit his lip, typing out a short message and sending it.

River looked downright terrified speaking with him but he also hoped he put her at ease in some way.

And fuck, he almost embarrassed himself so badly when he tried to pretend that he read the book – which he didn't – and thankfully it looked like she believed him.

He hated that he had to lie...but it gave him a chance to speak with her. When he walked in and finally spotted her after searching, he needed an excuse.

He liked to read, when he had time, but he most certainly hadn't read this one. Yet, that is. He would read that damned book as soon as he could so they could talk about it.

Jungkook left the Library with a pep in his step and grinned to himself once his phone pinged with a reply.

Things were finally progressing for the better.

author's note ;

Jungkook's so cute 😭😭🥹
he's such a puppy atp 💜🥹

─ moon struck ; jjkWhere stories live. Discover now