♡ four ; "could i bother you for a xanax?"

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river's pov ; 2 pm

At precisely 2 pm, I entered the Library with a smile of relief. Sending a small shy wave to the librarian – Mrs. O'Brian – who came to be used to my presence here every single Tuesday.

My hand tightetned around the strap of my messenger bag once I walked deeper within the Library, heading in one direction in particular.

At the back of the large open spaced room, in a lonely corner, sat my arm chair. A chair that I basically claimed as my own since I had been coming here since I was seven years old.

I threw down my messenger bag and tucked my phone into my back pocket and allowed myself to grin.

After the stressful couple of days I've had, spending the rest of my day in one of my favorite places in Charleston was surely able to perk me up. Just incase, I stashed my pink stress ball – along with my new green one if my anxiety hightenes.

My posture was completly at ease as I slowly walked up and down the isles – not finding a book that interested me yet, and the books that did catch my eye are the ones that I've already read. More than once.

To satisfy myself, I grabbed the books and flipped to my favorite parts to reread.

Tucking my hair behind my ears, I knelt down to retrieve a book with an interesting title; drawn in by the pretty cover.

Just as my hand was about to grasp the book, a bigger, familiar looking had reached for the same book. Their fingers brushed against mine, and I gulped.

The hand that laid over mine was warm, and at least twice the size of my own. Accompanied by the tattoos of a purple heart, some letters, a crown, and an emoji on their hand and the rings on the fingers had me balking.

Oh dingleberries.

Of course, my luck would be worse today. It was as if Karma was out to get me ( which it was ), and I wasn't prepared for it. But would I ever really be?

I was too afraid to look at the space beside me that had been occupied by Jungkook. My throat tightened.

Man, I really wish I had my squeeze ball in my pocket.
Could I bother him for a xanax? I really needed one.

"Urm...h-hey, River," Jungkook said, avoiding my eyes bashfully, tattooed hand leaving mine to rub across the back of his neck. He towered over me even while stooping down in a squat. His powerful masculine body made me feel so teeny tiny and protected, as odd as it sounded.

His sturdy thighs flexed underneath his jeans as he watched me watch him.

I felt heat enter my cheeks at being caught ogling him and looked sharply away. "Hi," I whispered back, feeling my toes twitch inside my hey dude shoes. Should I start running now?

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