Chapter 32 Amaterasu

Start from the beginning

"Run playback, zoom in". The image of the meteor was magnified several times. As the world's best detective, Bruce noticed the swirl tht appeared in the atmosphere after examining for several minutes.

It didn't last long, barely two seconds yet it was enough to change its original course headed for Gotham Harbor.

"He caused it to deviate. Something's up with that meteor". Bruce immediately came to a conclusion. Anyone else would have probably chalked it up to a weather phenomenon, anyone else but him.

Looking at the screen, Bruce fell into a bit of a dilemma. Should he go down and investigate on his own immediately, or should he contact the rest of the league to take action together?

After a while of contemplating.....

"Batcomputer, contact Cyborg". Bruce reached out and placed his hands behind his neck. His fingers accurately grasped the fallen, lead lined cowl and wore it over his face, fully putting himself into the Bat costume.

Bruce looked at the video of the meteor and his heart was completely restless.

Although he didn't know why the latter suddenly decided to show himself after the past month of seclusion, the fact that he had, set off waves in his heart.

Bruce practically living in the Batcave for the past month was partly to monitor Amari's actions. And the fact that the latter seemed to have gone into hibernation unsettled him greatly.

His sudden action in Bruce's eyes carried a great deal of Importance.

"Batman. What's the situation?" Cyborgs face appeared on the screen.

"A meteor appeared over Gotham's skies and crashed into The Deviant's city". His reply was curt and concise, giving all important information in as little words as possible.

"And? What did you find out?" Cyborg asked curiously.

He knew Bruce too well. For the latter to suddenly call him, something strange must have happened.

"Here's the thing, it wasn't meant to crash there". He pressed a button and the screen showed two lines curving in different directions. They indicated the Meteors change of trajectory.

"From what I can tell, I believe he personally caused it to deviate. The energy shields around his base didn't try to prevent it from getting in".

"Something's wrong with this meteor".

"I see, so what are you thinking?"

"Amari's involvement directly makes this event anything but normal".

"I don't know what he's planning, but one thing's for sure. This falling meteor, isn't simple. We have to find out what".

Bruce stated the facts.

"Get up to the watchtower, I'll notify all available members of the league and we'll discuss our what's happening and a possible course of action". Vic said with a solemn look on his face.

"Understood". Bruce gave a light nod.

"Cyborg out". Cyborgs video went off, leaving Batman alone in the Bat Cave once again.

Bruce let out a heavy sigh before turning towards a side of the Batcave. That side happened to have a Zeta tube.

Meanwhile, back on the watchtower hovering above Earth's orbit.

Within the Med Bay.

Clark's sleeping figure laid within a solar regeneration pod which was surrounding by a lot of classy tech ensuring the continuous procedure of his Ion radiation transfer.

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