Kylie knows

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* Ring ring ring ring ringg*

Finally! I thought and looked at the teacher. I closed the book I was writing in, as did everyone else, and plopped my head down on it. "Well then, since you all have decided that class is over simply because of the bell, here's an assignment. Submit it on Friday. I want it on my table before lunch or else I will be deducting marks." There was a collective groan from the class. ...

"Uh-uh! I will be having none of that... unless you want more -" "No" she was cut off by me. Everybody turned towards me and she looked at me weirdly. I plopped my hoad back down as soon as she turned away. "As I was saying...." She continued.

I could still feel eyes on me. "Would you people please stop staring at me as if I'm an alien?" I whisper-yelled at the ones staring at me, lifting my head only to send them a dangerous glare. They quickly turned away terrified. I directed my gaze to the teacher and found out that she had finished talking about the assignment and was telling us all to leave.

I sighed, packing up all my things & got up. As I made my way out, I made a mental note to ask someone about it. I spotted Sam near the door and ran up to him. He hadn't noticed me coming to him. So, once I reached him, I kept my hand on his shoulder. He turned abruptly at the unexpected contact. His previously wide eyes turned normal when he saw me. "Oh! It's just you! God, you almost made me have a panic attack!" He laughed a bit at the end as I laughed along with him. "So, did you want something?" He asked with a bright smile on his face that looked suspiciously familiar to someone I know. I waved it off as I focused on his question.

"Well, yeah I was hoping you'd tell me what the project was about " I asked him hoping to get over with this as soon as possible. My fatal flaw is not the best. Why couldn't I get something like Percy's or even Nico's?

"You were in the class weren't you?" He asked, his eyebrows scrunched up in a cute way. Okay what ?! Ugh whatever!!

"Yea well, I kinda zoned out." I said with a small smile.

He laughed, "Yea, happens. Especially in her class", He said, pointing towards the classroom we had just come out of. I laughed a little at his statement.

"So..." I started, "about the project?" I reminded him. "Oh! Yeah! That. We were told to do something with..." He started saying as we walked towards. our lockers, which weren't very far from each other, as I listened to him.

-------------------TIME SKIP-------------------

I opened my locker, keeping in my books before lunch. "Yellow!" I hear a voice exclaim as the locker beside mine is opened..

I smile at him before I turn. "Yellow? Seriously, Seaweed Brain? "I ask with a smile and an raised eyebrow. He shrugs, putting his books away.

"I need food so badly right now!" He exclaims.

I chuckle "You always do, Seaweed Brain!", He does.

"Especially blue food" He says with a dreamy look on his face, completely very royally ignoring me.

I snort, "Come on, Kelp Head. You don't wanna miss lunch like yesterday, do you?" I ask him. laughing when his eyes widen and he starts pulling me.

"Nu-uh! Not happening! Come on Wise Girl, faster!"

I just laughed again and followed him.

A few minutes later, I had my lunch and was waiting for Percy while looking around for kylie and the others. I still don't know if Percy knows them. Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist and a voice beside me. "Who are you looking for?"

Just then my eyes land on kylie waving me over but just stop in shock as she looks next to me.

I look at Percy beside me, obviously, as my eyebrows furrow from how Percy smiles and waves at Kyle & who in contrast, is looking back and forth between me, Percy and his hand on my waist, which was now the hand waving at her.
Percy starts walking towards them as I follow.

Sam and Nate grin at Percy and they do some kind of bro hug, handshake whatever, as I walk over to kylie, who is still really shocked and looking at me, asking me with her eyes something that looks like "What the hell just happened??"

"What?" I ask her.

"Uh, that!!" She said, pointing towards Percy, who was talking to the guys, and then at me.

Oh!! I laughed and told her to sit down and I'll explain.


~~Heyyy. Hope you guyz like the update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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