𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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When Erebus had calmed down, They were sat on the bench, Thinking deeply as Ekko looked at all the drinks Vander had.

"A lot of Shitty whiskey.. Not so much of juice." Ekko sighed and put the alcohol on the bench before pulling himself up to sit next to Erebus, "Whatcha thinking about?"

Erebus looked down.

"I would like to investigate the mysterious blue cloud in a few hours time. Would you accompany me?" Erebus asked with no hesitation, Their blue eyes met Ekko's brown.

Ekko paused.

"I don't know.. That thing.. It didn't look safe. Maybe we hold back for a few days?" Ekko said, Thinking of a plan.

"That is ridiculous.. We need to check it while it is fresh, They would have removed half of the evidence and we need to be able to gather all to know what truly happened to our friends." Erebus pointed out.

Ekko shrugged, "You sure do have a lot on your mind. It's nice to hear you talk once and a while, Man."

He punched Erebus' arm gently, Making Erebus flinch and smash an empty bottle on the bench before pointing it at Ekko's face.

"What was the meaning of that?!" They say, Anger clear in their words.

Ekko raised his hands.

"Okay- Okay! Calm down. It was.. Sorry, It's what guys do! You know?" Ekko says quickly, "Mylo punches Claggor all the time!"

Erebus thinks for a second.


Erebus throws the glass bottle into the trash can and sits back down, Staring at their dirty pants, Covered in blood.

"..do you know somewhere to clean your clothes?" They asked, Glancing at Ekko.

"Uh.. No, Sorry."

They sigh and stand up.

They walk into the backroom of the bar and grab a black cloak from the closet, It's giant on them, They grab a few other items.

"Okay now we can--" They started.

They jolt as they hear footsteps come into the bar.

They grab Ekko's arm and start to climb up to hide along the Pipes like they did with Vi and the others.

One of those Creatures came in and started throwing everything everywhere, Breaking all the stuff Mylo cared about, All the stuff Claggor used as weapons or equipment for making stuff, Throwing everything they cared for.

Their heart almost snapped in half when they saw The Creature throw mousey onto the ground.

Erebus gripped Ekko's hand, Growling.

They wanted nothing more in that moment to snap that Monster's head off and shove it farther up their ass then it already was.

Ekko tried not to whimper until the man left the room, His hand hurt like hell from how hard this kid was squeezing it.. Jesus!

He shook slightly, Then elbowed Erebus.

Erebus looked at the hand and quickly let go, The Creature left the room after his temper tantrum, Erebus apologised quickly and jumped down to what was their room for four weeks.

Where they had first met Powder and Vi, Claggor and Mylo..

Now they may never see them again. That monster might as well have teared their heart off along with Benzo's.

".. Mm." Was all they could mutter, But Ekko could see the pain in their eyes.

They sigh quietly.

"We.. We cannot live here." They say finally.

"What?" Ekko looks at them, "Well, Where are we meant to go?"

Erebus shrugs and sits on the couch.

"No clue."

Erebus takes the small wooden snake from their pocket, Smiling as Ekko sits next to them.

".. What's that?" He asked, Poking it.

"Chimi. She is my pet." They explain, "Snakes are my favorite animal on this earth, I would think."

Ekko chuckled, "Your favorite animal doesn't even have legs?"

"Well, If you are so clever, What is your favorite animal?" They smirk.

"Mm.. Owls." He nods, Smiling at Erebus.

"Owls? You are ridiculous." They laugh, Standing up.

Ekko starts to go on about the great qualities Owls have while Erebus simply nods and gives the rare; 'Mm' or 'Huh'.

Erebus nods.

"As much as I would hate to interrupted your riveting discussions on Owls, I am ready to go." Erebus says, Picking up a few screws and bolts then pocketing them.

"Go where?"

Erebus gives him a look.

"Oh hell no!" Ekko says firmly.

"What do you mean 'Oh Hell no' this is a great plan."

Erebus grabs the bag and hoists it over their shoulder.

"We check out the place where the explosion happened, Then we can look around to see where we could stay cause we cannot stay here or at Benzo's. I would suspect that Enforcers are going to stick to that place like Moths on a lantern." Erebus mutters, Walking outside the door after looking around to make sure no one was going to attack them if they walked out.

They gesture for Ekko to follow, Their blood soaked boots hit the ground, They begin their walk.

"As much as I love you actually speaking now, This is not what I thought you would talk about!" Ekko groans.

Erebus chuckled and rolled their eyes.

They walk through the city before looking over to the water.

"Ew gross... Is there a sewer near by?" They turn to Ekko.

Ekko nods, "Yeah, But I've never fully explored it."


Erebus shook this off their mind and started to walk towards the blue smoke, Curious to see what had happened and if there were any survivors.

When they arrived at the place, They found it basically deserted and covered in purple goo.

They looked around for a bit, Looking at the ruble and the dirt, Kicking it around.

Ekko kneels down and touches the purple goo, It's like a liquid, But also sticky? Kind of like poison soda.

Erebus ignored Ekko's interest and continued to look around, Looking for anything that could tell them more about what had happened.

There was some blood on the ground, They thought that'd be a good idea of how to find their friends.

They follow the blood trail to a sliding door, They pull the door open to see a pile of rocks.

"Ekko! Come help me!" They yell.

They got no reply and groaned, Starting to pull the rocks from the corner, Blood is leaking from out of them, But their curiosity over rules their fear.

"Oh shit.." Erebus whispers, Eyes wide.

Mylo is impaled with some sort of pipe while Claggor has been bashed in the head so much his brain is probably like scrambled eggs.

They shudder, Holding their arms, Feeling every inch of the skin on their body..

They look over to Ekko, His fingers are coated with that purple goo and he's about to lick his fingers.

Erebus sprints towards him.

"Ekko, No!"

𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? - 𝐄𝐤𝐤𝐨 𝐱 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now