𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙

18 1 0

Erebus sits in the chair, They had been tied up by Powder.

"Pow." Erebus mumbles against the tape wrapped around their face.

Powder is packing all her bombs, Including the blue crystals.

Erebus still has one in their fist.

Powder looks over to Erebus.

She nods.

"Just wait, Ereb! I'll help them so much on this mission so they'll have no choice to take me on all the rest!" Powder squeals and jumps in the air.

Erebus nods.

"Can I come?" They ask gently, It comes out as; 'Mphm mm mphm'.

"Nope. This is a me mission!" She smiles, Then kissed Erebus' forehead, "I'll untie you when I get back!"

Powder grabs her bag and pulls it up the steps.

"Have a good time!" She waves.

"You too." They say, But it comes out more as; 'Mhmpm mm.'

Erebus sighs against the tape and looks around.

They struggle against the ropes.. Where did Powder even find this stuff? It's dangerous, That's all I'm saying..

Erebus huffs and looks up.

They flinch as they hear the door open, Worried it was enforcers, They tremble and pull against the ropes, Grunting in annoyance.

They find the tie with their fingers and release themselves, Squirming and pushing against the rope until they were free, They quickly jump up and jump onto whoever it was, Their fist aiming for their nose.

They block, Covering their face.

"It's me! It's me!" Ekko says in a hurry, Covering his face incase anymore punches come.

Erebus blinks and gets off of Ekko, Helping him up.

Erebus gives Ekko a sort of look asking if he's okay, Ekko sighs.

"I don't know. Uh.. Where's Vi? Has she told the others? About.." Ekko hesitates.

"They've gone to save Vander. I have no doubt they'll succeed.." Erebus smiled, Trying to be strong.

Ekko looks at them, Raising a brow, "You can be human around me, You know.. Speak your mind."

".. I'm.." They chuckled, Tears welling up in their eyes, "I'm fine." They whisper.

They shudder and Ekko pulls them into his arms.

"It'll all be okay." He whispers, Rubbing their back comfortingly.

Erebus pulls away from the hug first, Smiling at Ekko.

"Thank you.."

Why did Ekko make them feel so safe? They've barely known him for two days.. God, He probably thinks they're so clingy.

Erebus shakes that off their mind.

They look at the crystal in their pocket then at their flame thrower on the ground, They pick it up.

They look at the two objects.. Reminding them of the closest thing they've ever had to siblings.

They sat down on the couch.

"They'll be fine." Ekko says, As if he knows it all.

He puts an army around Erebus, To which Erebus answers with a look of confusion at the arm.

Ekko blinks and blushes, "Uh.. Just.. Trying to comfort you, You know?" He laughs nervously.

Erebus is still confused.

"Are you sick? Your face is getting more red by the second.." Erebus asked, Pressing their cold fingers to his warm face, "Jeez, You're hot."

"Really?" Ekko blinked.

"Yes, Incredibly.." Erebus mutters.

They stand up and grab a First Aid Kit.

They start to search through, Pulling out a bandage.

They make a small 'boop' noise and press the bandage to his cheek, It's drawn on by Powder and Erebus.

P + E = Bestie 4eva!

Of course, Erebus didn't exactly know what a 'Bestie' was.. But they'd shrug it off and continue to try and help Ekko's red face.

"Funny. No matter how many bandages I apply, Your face remains red.." Erebus mutters, "Intriguing.."

Ekko laughed nervously and smiled, Looking at Erebus.

"It's fine. No harm no foul, Right?" Ekko pushed Erebus' hand away gently.

"I guess.. Not? Uh.. What does that mean exactly?" Erebus squinted their eyes.

Ekko raised a brow.

"How do you not know what-.. Whatever, It's not important. Where did Powder go?" Ekko asked, Erebus sighed.

"I believe that she has gone to help her siblings. She believed I would follow her, Thus me being tied up.." They mumble, Gesturing to the ropes which are on the ground.

"Well, Powder can't mess anything up that badly.. Vi's amazing fight technique can save anyone from that Bastard Silco!" Ekko cheered.

Erebus raised a brow.

"Wait who's Silco--"

A loud bang surprises them both and they both fly back, Jumping at the noise.

They look around.

No damage has been done..

Erebus quickly runs outside, Ekko by them.

A giant puff of blue is flying off the building.. Where Ekko had seen Silco and his men drag Vander off.

Blue dust..

Those crystals..

Suddenly, All the dots connect.

Erebus shakes their head.

"No no no--" They shake their head, Tears welling up in their eyes. "No please no.."

The whole thing looked as if it would be on fire, sparks of electricity flaming off of the building.

"God no.." They shake their head, Panting, "No!"

Tears fall down their face, Anger in their eyes.

"Powder what the hell did you do?!" They scream.

They drop to the ground, Holding their head and yelling in anger. Tears act like waterfalls in their big blue eyes, They grunt.

Ekko grabs Erebus' hand and pulls them into a hug, Squeezing him.

"Hey, Calm down, It's okay, It's okay." Ekko says firmly, Erebus shaking in his arms, Sobbing, "We don't know what happened, They could be fine."

Erebus shook their head and buried their face into his clothes, Gripping hard at his shirt as the worst scenarios ran through their head.

Their dainty hands were intertwined with Ekko's, Ekko was still shaken up with the whole Benzo thing.. The sight was absolutely disgusting to see.. But Erebus' wound was pure and fresh..

So he'd be strong for them.

Ekko pulled Erebus inside The Long Drop, Hugging them tight.

The place was completely closed down, All the chairs were up and no one could see them.

Erebus continued to sob..

They were known to be an overthinker, In their mind, Everyone they loved had died in that explosion.

Why did they let Powder go?

Ekko slid down the bar bench, Pulling Erebus between his legs so they could hug tightly, Erebus was a complete mess.

This was the most emotions Erebus had ever shown Ekko.

𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? - 𝐄𝐤𝐤𝐨 𝐱 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now