Broken Foot

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Requested by: @_karliecookie_

Tess POV (14 years old)
I was waiting at the district with Jay for Will to finish work so he could take me home. Finally, I got a text from Will saying that he was outside. I grabbed my backpack and left the break room.
"Will's here" I walked over to Jay.
Jay nodded. "I probably won't be home until late, if I even make it home" he grumbled.
"Good luck." I told him as I gave him a quick hug and headed toward the stairs. About 2 steps down, I lost my footing and tumbled down the rest of the stairs. I landed with a thud and the bottom.
"Oh my gosh!" Trudy came rushing over. "Are you okay?" She knelt beside me. I sat up and nodded. I looked up the stairs and saw all of my brother's coworkers standing there. Jay was running down the stairs.
"Tess, what happened. You ok?" He asked, clearly worried.
"Yeah" I said softly. I was kinda embarrassed. The other officers in the station were staring at me. "I'm fine." I hopped up. My foot hurt a little but I did just tumble down a flight of stairs so I didn't think too much of it. "Will's waiting. I should go."
"Yeah ok. Love you!" Jay called after me as I left the building.
I climbed into Will's car, still feeling awkward. I didn't greet my brother.
"Well hello to you too." Will mocked. I didn't react. "You okay?"
"I fell down the stairs." I told him.
"Damn, sad I missed it. Bet it was pretty funny." Will laughed. I smiled. He was right about that. It probably was funny to watch, just not so funny to experience. By the time we got home, my foot hurt more. I got out of the car and winced.
"You ok?" Will asked as he noticed I was limping up to the apartment.
I shrugged. "I think so. My foot hurts."
"Lemme take a look" he unlocked the door and I went to the couch. I slid off my sneaker and sock. Will came over and knelt in front of me. "Doesn't look swollen or bruised." He picked up my foot and I grimaced. "Don't feel any major breaks. Can you stand on it?" I stood up and was able to support myself for a few seconds before falling onto Will. "Probably just landed funny. I'll get you some ice." I put my sock back on. Will returned with an ice pack and I settled on the couch. Will left to shower and make dinner while I worked on my homework. "Dinner's ready" Will called about an hour later.
I stood up and struggled to support myself on my injured foot. I hobbled into the kitchen. "Geez, does it hurt that much?" Will asked. I nodded. "Let's eat and I'll get you some Tylenol." We finished dinner and I took a shower, which was a challenge given that my foot was hurting more and I could barely stand on it. I also noticed a bruise but Will said I bumped it so a bruise made sense. I managed to get into pajamas and sit on my bed.
Will lightly tapped on my door and came in. "Just wanted to say goodnight." He said.
"My foot hurts." I replied.
Will sighed. "I'll get you another ice pack." He suggested. He returned with the item and said goodnight.
I had a lot of trouble getting a good night's rest. My foot hurt and kept waking me up. After about 3 hours of sleep, my alarm went off. I sat on the edge of my bed and tried to stand up. I felt a shooting pain in my foot and sat back down. I tried standing again but the same thing. I leaned on the wall and hopped my way into the hall. I could hear the water running in the bathroom and hopped my way back to my room and sat on my bed.
When Will was done in the shower he stuck his head into my room. "Start getting ready, T. Don't want to be late." He said.
"I can't." I whined. "My foot really hurts."
Will huffed. "T, you're fine. I'll get you some Tylenol. Start getting ready." I opened my mouth to argue with him but Will stopped me. "Don't. Get up." He left and I angrily got a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and got dressed while sitting on my bed. "Tess, come eat something and you can take the meds!" Will called from the kitchen. I hopped my way into the kitchen and sat at the table. Will ignored my difficulty walking and handed me some yogurt and fruit. "When you're done, get your stuff together and I can drive you to school." He said. He went back to his room to finish getting ready. Once I was done eating I went to stand to get my backpack. As I stood up, Jay came home and saw my fall to the ground.
"What the hell!" Jay exclaimed as he dropped his bag and came over to me. I started crying. My foot really hurt. Will came running in when he heard the commotion. "What's going on?" Jay looked between me and Will.
"She was complaining about her foot after falling yesterday. I assumed she didn't want to go to school." Will quickly got on the ground and peeled off my sock, causing me to groan in pain. He revealed a very swollen and bruised foot.
"That look like a good enough excuse?" Jay sounded pissed at Will.
"It did not look like that last night." Will defended.
"It didn't" I confirmed. "I woke up and it hurt a lot more." I told them.
"I'm sorry, T." Will said. "Instead of me driving you to school, how about we go to Med and get that looked at?" I nodded and wiped my tears.
"I'll drive her. That way I can take her home when she's done." Jay said. "I also don't trust you right now. You seriously thought Tess, who doesn't lie about anything, was trying to come up with an excuse to skip?" He said half-jokingly.
Will looked like a scolded puppy. "I'm sorry. I really am."
Jay shook his head and looked at me. "Do you believe him."
I smiled. "I don't know. Maybe if he buys me Sour Patch I'll forgive him." Jay and I looked at Will.
Will laughed. "Deal."
Jay held out his arms. "Alright kiddo, let's go get that looked at."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Thanks again for reading/favoriting. As always, feel free to leave feedback or requests!!

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