STD part 3

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A/N: This is the last part of this storyline. I'm all out of finished one shots so it'll be a little longer until I publish the next one. Please send me requests! Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Tess POV
Once I was in a room, Will sat on the edge of my bed, comfortingly rubbing my leg. Jay was still confused as to what was going on, but didn't press the issue given that every time he did, I'd yell at him.
Soon, April came into the room. "Hey guys." She said. "What's going on tonight?" I nervously looked toward Will.
"We'll step out. Just make sure you tell her everything." Will instructed before he and Jay left the room.
"Alright Tess. What happened?" April asked.
I started crying again. "I think I have an STD."
"Hey, it's alright. Take a deep breath." April said in a calming tone. "Why do you think that?"
"I'm super itchy and it burns. Especially when I pee which I feel like I always have to go but not much comes out when I do." I told her.
"Have you had unprotected sex?" April followed up. I looked down and nodded. "When?"
"About a week ago." I said. "I'm sorry. I know it was stupid but I did a lot of stupid things that night and I guess this was one of them and-" I nervously rambled.
"It's alright" April stopped me. "Do you think you can give us a urine sample?"
"Do I have to?" I really didn't want to pee again, knowing that it would hurt.
"You can wait until you talk to the doctor but they're probably going to want one." April told me. I nodded and begrudgingly took the cup into the bathroom.

Eventually, Dr. Choi came in to the room.
"Hey, Tess." He greeted me.
I sighed. On top of the awkwardness of Dr. Choi being a male, I had met him a few times when Will had invited his coworkers over. "No female doctors tonight?" I asked.
Dr. Choi gave me a sympathetic smile. "Afraid not. But you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Why don't you start by telling me what's going on?" I told Dr. Choi about my symptoms and the night of the party. "Definitely sounds like something's going on." Dr. Choi said. "We'll figure it out. Can you sit up for me?" I leaned forward as Dr. Choi listened to my heart and lungs. "I'm sure you know this but I'm going to have to do a pelvic exam, ok?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Alright. I'm just going to grab a nurse and equipment. In the meantime, you can take off your underwear. I'll be right back."
I took off my underwear and put it in the bag with my other clothes. I sat back on the bed and did my best to keep calm. I was still in a lot of pain and really nervous about the exam.
A few minutes later, Dr. Choi reentered the room carrying the stuff he needed and April following behind him. I must've looked as nervous as I felt because April said, "You don't have to be worried. It'll only take a few seconds."
Dr. Choi set everything up. "Ok, Tess. Lay back and bend your knees."
I laid down but quickly sat back up. I didn't want to do this. It already hurt and having someone poking around down there was only going to make it worse. I was scared and in pain. I just wanted my brother. "Wait!" I exclaimed. "Can Will come in?" I asked.
"Yeah, of course." Dr. Choi nodded at April who left to get my brother.
Will came into the room and immediately walked over to me and kissed my head. "You're okay, Tiny T." He reassured me. I relaxed knowing Will was with me.
"Ready?" Dr. Choi asked. I hesitantly nodded. "Alright, lay back, bend your knees, and let your legs fall to the side." Dr. Choi instructed. Dr. Choi explained every step of the exam and I clung to Will's hand when it hurt. "Okay. All done." Dr. Choi finally said. I let out a sigh of relief. "We'll run some tests and get back to you once we have the results. In the meantime, I'll get you something for the pain. Sound okay?" Dr. Choi asked. I agreed and he and April left.
"You okay, T?" Will asked once we were alone.
I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for staying with me."
"I'm always here for you, kiddo." Will reassured me. "Are you ready to tell me what's going on?"
"I think I have an STD." I confessed. Will stared at me with wide eyes. "That party I went to... I did a little more than the alcohol and Vicodin." I told him. I nervously watched as Will took a deep breath. "Don't hate me." I pleaded.
"Hey, I could never hate you." He said. "I am disappointed in you, but I don't hate you." I sniffled and wiped the tears from my eyes. "You know you could've told me sooner, right?" He added. "We could've got it treated and maybe you wouldn't be in as much pain."
"It's embarrassing" I blushed and looked away. "Plus I didn't want you guys to be mad. Well, madder than you are."
Will tilted my chin so I was looking at him. "Your health and safety comes first. Always. If you need help, Jay and I will help you. Unconditionally. You don't have to worry about us being mad."
"Thank you." I said. "But do we have to tell Jay?"
Will chuckled. "I can deal with Jay. You just worry about feeling better."

Eventually, Dr. Choi came back into the room. "Hey, how're you feeling?"
"Better with the meds" I answered honestly.
"Glad to hear it" Dr. Choi replied. "I've got your test results and the good news is you don't have an STD. Looks like a UTI and yeast infection. Both of which are easily treatable." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"How about her hCG?" Will inquired, clearly using medical jargon to hide the meaning of his question from me.
Dr. Choi smiled knowingly. "You're not pregnant either. I'll get you a prescription for the meds and send you on your way. Any questions?"
I shook my head. "Thank you." Dr. Choi left and I turned to Will. "Can we not tell Jay about the sex?" I pleaded.
"Tess..." Will began.
"Please? What about doctor patient confidentially? You're a doctor and I'm a patient..." I trailed off.
"I already told him." Will admitted. "Before you get angry, I told him so he would have time to calm down before he sees to you. Can you imagine how angry he would've been if we hid something like this from him? You're our baby sister. He wants to protect you."
"I know" I sighed. "I just also want to be ungrounded before I'm 20."
Will smiled. "I'll make sure you're ungrounded by the time you're 18 the latest."

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