Car Accident 2

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Tess POV
After Dr. Rhodes put the tube in my side, I could breathe much better. The drugs they gave me for pain were also helping. I was relieved when I finally was able to see my brothers. Will came right over to me and kissed my head.
"Hey baby" He said sweetly. "How're you feeling."
"Less pain" I told him.
"I like the sound of that." He smiled. I glanced over to the door where Jay stood frozen.
"Jay?" I asked, getting his attention.
He came over to me and stroked my hair. "Hey Tiny T. You had us worried."
"Sorry" I said.
"Hey, don't apologize. You didn't do this on purpose." Will interjected.
I shook my head slightly. "I can barely remember what happened."
"After a trauma like this, that's normal. It might come back, it might not." Will told me.
I thought back to the accident. The car. The lights. The screaming. Anna! I tried to sit up a little more.  "What about Anna? And Lucy?" I asked worriedly.
Will placed his hand on my shoulder. "Anna broke her legs pretty badly, but she's going to be fine." Will took a breath before continuing. "Lucy is in surgery. Her injuries were a little more extensive."
"But she'll be okay, right?" I asked. "She has to be." My eyes filled with tears. Lucy and I had done everything together since we were 6. We met Anna in the 4th grade and the 3 of us have been inseparable ever since.
"She has the best doctors in the country taking care of her." Will reassured me. I laid back and tried to calm down.
"How's it going?" Connor asked as he came in.
"Same" I told him.
"That's better than getting worse" he smiled. "We have a bed for you upstairs so someone will be by in a bit to move you up there. Sound good?" I nodded. Fifteen minutes later, an orderly came and brought me to what would be my room for the next few days.
"Get some sleep, T." Will said once I was settled. "You need it."
"Wake me if you hear anything about Anna and Lucy, ok?" I made my brother promise. He nodded and helped me get into a somewhat comfortable position despite my broken ribs and the tube sticking out of my side. I don't know if it was from exhaustion or the drugs, but I immediately fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, my side hurt a lot. "Will?" I whispered.
"Hey T," Jay stood over me. "He stepped out for a few minutes. How are you?"
The longer I was awake, the more my side hurt. "Hurts" I answered.
"Ok. I'll go get someone" Jay tried to sound calm but I could hear the panic in his voice.
A few seconds later, Jay returned with a nurse. "Hey, sweetie, good morning. Your brother said you're in some pain?" The nurse asked. I nodded as I wiped at the tears that were now rolling down my cheeks. "I have something that should help." The nurse pushed some medicine into my IV.
"Not helping" I whined.
"It takes a minute." The nurse told me. I whined again and closed my eyes to wait for the medicine to start working. The nurse left and Jay sat beside me, gently rubbing my arm.
"How is she?" I heard Will ask.
"She woke up in pain. They gave her something for it" Jay told him.
The pain was subsiding and I opened my eyes. "Good morning, there. How're you feeling?" Will smiled at me.
"Still hurts but better with drugs" I told him honestly. "How're Anna and Lucy?" I asked.
"Anna is doing fine. They sent her home last night." Will told me. I was relieved one of my friends was okay. "And Lucy is in ICU. She had a bad concussion, broken arm and shoulder, and ruptured her spleen, losing a lot of blood."
"She'll live?" I asked, tears threatening to fall again.
"Tess," Will began gently. "I'm not going to promise you something I don't know for sure. I do know she is stable now and getting the best care possible."
I nodded. "Can I see my phone?" I asked. Jay jumped up and passed it to me. I immediately unlocked it to find many texts from Anna. The sentiment in all of them was the same: she was ok, how was I, did I know how Lucy was, and that she was sorry. "Can I have I minute?" I looked at my brothers. "I want to call Anna."
"Sure, we'll be right outside." Will agreed as the two of them left the room. I FaceTimed Anna.
"Tess!" Anna exclaimed when she answered. "Oh my gosh. How are you? Are you okay? No one would tell me anything last night."
"I'm ok." I told her. "Broke a few ribs and needed this thing put in to help me breathe" I showed her the chest tube sticking out of my side. "Will says Lucy isn't doing great." I sighed. "Something about blood loss and a concussion. That's all I know."
Anna began crying. "I'm so sorry" she sobbed. "I can't believe I did this. I hurt you and Lucy."
"No Ann, it's the prick who cut you off's fault." I reassured her. "I don't blame you and I'm sure Lucy doesn't either."
"But I was driving. And now you and Lucy are in the hospital and I'm at home with just broken legs." Anna sniffled.
"That doesn't matter. We're all alive. We'll all be okay. It was an accident. There's a reason they don't call them 'purposes'." I told her.
Anna smiled and wiped her face with her hand. "I'm still sorry." She sighed. "When can I come see you?"
I shrugged. "I think whenever."
"I'll ask my mom to bring me by tomorrow, ok?" Anna asked hopefully.
"Of course. I'd love to see you." I nodded. There was a knock on the door and Connor stuck his head in the room. "Alright, Ann, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Anna said goodbye and hung up.
"Hi Tess" Connor came into the room followed by Will and Jay. "I heard you were in some pain this morning. How do you feel now?"
"Much better. Just a little sore." I told him.
"That's what I like to hear." He smiled. "Can you lean forward for me?" I pushed myself up as he listened to my lungs. "Sounds good. Any trouble breathing?"
I shook my head. "When can I get this thing out?" I asked, referring to the long tube sticking out of my side.
"We'll get another X-ray but hopefully later today or tomorrow morning" Connor told me. He spoke to Will for a second using big medical terms that I didn't understand and left the room, leaving me with my brothers.
"You really doing okay, T?" Will asked. I looked between Jay and Will and suddenly felt overwhelmed. Tears built up in my eyes. "Tess! What's wrong" Will seemed nervous.
"I was so scared." I said softly as a few tears fell. Will relaxed and sat down on the bed next to me, holding me close. I felt safe in brother's arms and started to calm down.
"We know it was scary, T. But you're okay. And you did so good." Jay sat on the foot of my bed. I nodded and snuggled closer to Will.
"It was still really scary. I don't want to drive." I mumbled.
"It seems that way now, but once you're back in a car that anxiety will get better." Will tried to reassure me but I just shook my head. He sighed. "Want to talk to Dr. Charles about it?"
I shook my head again. "Right now all I want is you and Jay to stay with me." I blinked back more tears.
"You got it, Tiny. We're not going anywhere." Will kissed my head and Jay leaned back so he could get into a comfortable position. Feeling protected, I drifted off to sleep.

There it is! Thanks for reading!
Do you think the medical stuff is too detailed or boring? What kinds of things do you want to read about?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always, feel free to make requests or leave feedback!

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