Car Accident 1

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Tess POV (17 years old)
I was rushing to get ready. I was going to Six Flags with my two best friends, Lucy and Anna. Anna had just gotten her full license and it was the first time the three of us were able to go somewhere without needing an adult to drive us. I was sliding on my shirt when I got a text from Anna saying she and Lucy were outside. I quickly tied up my hair, grabbed my backpack, and rushed to the front door.
"Slow down there, kiddo. Where are you headed?" Will asked as I sped past him.
"Anna is driving me and Lucy to Six Flags, remember?" I told him excitedly as I put on my sneakers.
Will shook his head and smiled. "I swear it was yesterday when you girls were dressing up as princesses and having tea parties."
"That's cause it was" I joked. "I'll be home before 10." I told him as I gave him a quick hug before leaving the apartment and running downstairs.
"Hey!" I said as I climbed into the back seat.
"Hello. Ready to go?" Anna asked. I buckled my seatbelt and nodded as Anna started to drive.
"We gotta go on the Viper first." Anna said as we planned our day.
"Fine, but the Joker is my favorite so we have to get to it." I told them.
"Can we also go on the giant swing?" Lucy asked.
"Sure, Luc. We can go on the least thrilling ride if you really want to." I teased her.

After a long day of roller coasters and amusement park food, we decided to head home. The drive home was quieter than on the way there. We were tired and just listened to music.
As Anna was merging onto the highway, a car cut her off, causing Anna to swerve to avoid driving into him. As Anna turned the wheel, she lost control and the car bounced off the guard rail, spun, and crashed into the median.

I was standing beside a car. A crashed car. People were talking. Maybe they were talking to me?
I sat on the ground. Some man was talking to me. He was in a uniform.
A girl screamed. Anna! I stood up to find her. I couldn't see her. The man in the uniform made me sit back down.
There were bright lights. Red. Blue. They flashed. I was cold.
A different man talked to me. He asked me something. I just nodded.
There was that scream again. Anna!
I wasn't on the ground anymore. I was moving.
I was inside. The lights were bright. I closed my eyes.
Another scream. From a man. Shouting at someone.
Beeping. Voices. Lights were still too bright. I kept my eyes shut.
"Tess... your eyes... me"
My chest hurt. I couldn't breathe.
I was scared.
I needed my brothers.

Connor POV
I was nearing the end of my shift when Maggie approached me. "We've got 3 traumas coming in. Adolescents involved in an MVA." She told me. "First one is 3 minutes out." I quickly started to get ready. I made sure the trauma room was set up and snapped on a pair of gloves before heading to the ambulance bay to meet the crew bringing in the patient.
The ambulance pulled up and the paramedics unloaded the patient. "What's going on?" I asked as we walked the patient toward the trauma bay.
"Approximately 18 year old female, restrained front seat passenger, involved in a one car MVA. She was responsive to voice when we got to her, initial pressure 116/70. Once we got her out of the car, her pressure dropped to 86/50 and she became unresponsive. Intubated without complication. She's got an 18 in her right AC. Got about 800 of fluid. Latest BP was 92/58. No obvious bruising or deformities." The medic finished just as we moved the patient over. I thanked her and began assessing the patient.
"Lung sounds clear and equal. Pupils equal and reactive." I told the nurses. I continued my assessment and found the patient to be stable enough to get a CAT scan so we could assess any internal injuries. "Let's get her to CT and call the surgical team." I left the room as Maggie waved me over.
"Next one just got in. Can you take it?" Maggie asked. I nodded and entered the patient's room.
I gave my full attention to the medics as they gave their report. "17 year old female. Rear seat passenger. Alert to voice but not answering our questions. Possible pneumo on the left. Heart rate 110, SpO2 96 on 4L, BP 136/88."
"Thanks guys." I finally turned and looked at the patient. I knew her. Tess Halstead. "Someone page Halstead!" I shouted to no one in particular. "Tess," I shook her shoulder. "Open your eyes for me." Tess blinked open her eyes but didn't keep them open for long. I continued to assess her as if she were any other patient.
"Lung sounds diminished on the left. Where is x-ray?" I asked. The tech stepped in and prepared the x-ray. We stepped into the hall as Will came running over.
"Is she ok? What happened? What's going on?"  He shot.
"We're taking care of her. She was in an accident." I told him. I saw the fear and worry in my friend's face. The tech left the room, meaning we could go back in. "Go call Jay. We've got her. I'll keep you updated." Despite how badly I knew Will wanted to be treating his sister, he was too emotional to think rationally. Will nodded and I returned to Tess. As I approached the head of the bed, Tess opened her eyes and groaned.
"Tess!" I exclaimed. "You're alright. You're in the hospital. You were in an accident." 
"Hurts" she said softly
"Where?" I asked. Tess weakly tried to reach for her left side. "Here?" I asked as I gently palpated her ribs. Tess winced and nodded. I looked at the x-ray which confirmed my suspicion. Two broken ribs and a pneumothorax. "Get me a chest tube tray." I said to a nurse. Once she returned with the kit, I continued with the procedure. Immediately after placing the tube, Tess's respiratory rate decreased to a more normal rate. "How are you doing Tess?" I asked.
"I can breathe again" she said tiredly.
"Good" I smiled. "I think you have two very worried visitors. Is it ok if I let them in?" Tess nodded and I went to go get the Halstead brothers.

I was pacing around the waiting room in the ED. The thought of something happening to Tess terrified me. "Why haven't they told us anything yet?" I asked Will.
Will sighed. "Just like I told you 2 minutes ago, it takes time." I continued walking in circles.
Finally, Connor came over to us. "Hey" he said. He didn't look sad, so that had to be a good sign. "She's ok. She had a pneumothorax on the left. I inserted a chest tube with no complications." I glanced at Will and he just nodded so I assumed whatever Connor said wasn't bad. "She's talking now and wants to see you guys."
We followed Connor to Tess's room. Will immediately went over to her but I froze in the doorway. Tess looked so fragile. She was hooked up to so many wires. I was afraid if I touched her, I'd hurt her.
"Jay?" Tess said softly, snapping me out of my daze.

A/N: thanks for reading! Stay tuned for part 2!

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