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Abbi made all arrangements for my leave to US.
He handle the business in Nigeria and I got a job in one of my uncles company, I got the position of a manager. Everything was good but it pains alot
losing some one you love hurts more than anything in this world. I felt like half of me was broken
I've been diagnosed with depression.
I became miserable, I ignored Everyone, I learnt to survive by ignoring every other person and just being on my own.

Nawaal had been the only person I told about my Love story. She made me fought bravely with depression  each time and each time.
"life is beautiful, don't waste your time in depression and being broken. Mend your heart  and shine it with satisfaction "  Nawaal says
Nawaal became a best friend to me ...

I'm finally back in my own country after being away for 9 months
I never plan on staying in US forever nor did I thought I would come back to Nigeria so soon, but I have to  because of my business. Abbi can't do it Alone

On dropping from the plane, the memories I had keep flashing in my brainn,how i met Amayra, those endless talks,her birthday, my birthday , our date and everything. 
I missed her so much..
I'm sure she's happy and starts to have feelings for ya Abbas

I came along with Nawaal because she insisted on coming

"Hey Mr " Nawaal snapped her finger close to my face, bring me back to reality

"what are you thinking about, let's go " she drag me by arm and we got into the car

I kept thinking about Amayra all through the ride, Nawaal had been taking pictures since we got in the car.


Currently munching on our food, and Nawaal has been talking non stop,she's a talkative

Abbi called uncle Jibril to tell him I'm back, but was told Amayra got drowned in the pool and is admitted at the hospital .

I quickly call Aleena to which hospital

"Kamal hospital" she said

I don't know what I was thinking, I just picked my car keys and when to the parking lot

"Maheer I'll come with you " Abbi said

"I'll drive" Nawaal said and collected the key,
She used the map to find the way to the hospital, Through out the ride I was thinking about Amayra.

We entered the hospital and spotted ya Abbas sitting at the hall,  I walk over that's when I saw Everyone

Uncle Jibril, anty Zainab, dady, mami,  Masina and Aleena were all there

"Maheer"   Aleena said came running to hug me but Nawaal came between us.

"hey leena" Nawaal said

"nawaal Ykk"

" sweetie "
"I missed you so so much maheer ".Aleena said
"maheer " ya Abbas stood up and gave me a manly hug.

I exchanged pleasantries with everyone

"how is she" I finally asked

"she's fine,  the doctor said she needs to rest "


"so how did she get drowned in the pool " Nawaal asked waiting for an explanation .
Everyone turned  to look at ya Abbas waiting clearly waiting for explanation

" she was trying to chase a lizard and got herself thrown into the pool "

Hey guys
How have you been???

Maheer is back
I miss him,  who else does???

Don't forget to vote and comment it means alot
Khadijatoou ❤

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