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It's Friday Nana birthday, I got dressed in black Abaya and a matching veil, sprayed perfume, picked my phone and went downstairs saw Mami and Dady sitting at the living room.

"salamu alaikum, good afternoon Dady, good afternoon mami " I said

"waalaikum salam, afternoon my angel"

"afternoon Chuchu "

"na tafi,sai na dawo" I said

"my angel" Dady called. Everyone knows am daddy's favorite

"Na'am "

"when are you writing your last semester exams? " he asked

"in the next two months insha Allah"

"masha Allah,  so you will soon be a graduate"

"Nima na Kusa degree" I said and we all laughed, I still couldn't believe I'm  in my final year, I'll soon be a graduate

"tell Maheer to send his relative for the date fixing, you will be getting married immediately after you finished your exams" he said

"I love you daddy, thank you thank you so much dady " I said hugging him

"abinda kikeso ya samu" Mami said

I'm so excited today,instead of going out, I went back to my room,picked my phone from my bag and dialed Sistoo number and filled her, I decided on telling Maheer later in the evening when I get back from the birthday party , it has to be suprise......

I went outside entered my car and drove out....


I checked my watch and see its 7pm already, Abbas will be home anytime from now , I went to the bathroom shower and get dressed in my white gown and tied my head with a veil

***ring ring ** my phone rings

"hey Chuchu"

"Sistoo I got  into a little trouble,you know Nana my friend? "

" yes, what happened ?"i said

"I went to her birthday party, on my way back I got into a little accident " she said

I quickly sit up"what? Where are you? Are you alright?? "  I asked worried

" yes I'm fine, just that I hit someone car and the man is not letting me go, I can't call Mami she will skin me alive and Dady you know how angry he can be, he definitely going to seize my car " she said now crying

"shhhhh,  stop crying I'll be there in 10mins " I said
I end the call and quickly wore my long hijab and went out of my room to see Arif and hasbinatu his nany at the living room

"hasbinatu take care of Arif please, I will be right back"

"Toh anty Saikin dawo" hasbinatu said and I went out to the parking lot and got into my car but it seems like the battery is dead, it has some mental issues sometimes.
why now? .. I have to ride on keke napep(tricycle)


"excuse me " I say when I got there, I saw Chuchu smiling at me joyfully

"yes, what do you want?"

"i'm here for my sister "

"so this girl here is your sister? "

"yes, all need is my sister so we could leave and I'm really sorry for what happened"

"you will have to pay for the damage she course" he said

" how much is it?" asked

"that would be 30k"

" are you insane? why would i pay you such amount? "
So this man think he can scam me,  why will I pay his such amount for this, it's not that I can't give the money but the fact that he thinks he can scam me. Just then a black Mercedes Benz packed

"what's going on here? "  he asked,i turned to see Abba,  my course mate

"Ashmirah , how are you?  Long time " he said

"Abba, wlhy Lfy lau " I said.

"what are you doing outside by this time?" he asked
I narrated everything to him
"why don't you go, I'll sort it out my self" he said

"no don't worry, I can do it" I said

"it's getting late and it's not safe for you out here "

"okay, thank you "

" get your sister, my regards to Arif" he said

"let's go " I said to Amayra who was looking at me nervously.. I bid Abba good bye

"what the hell did you do? " I asked Amayra

"i'm so sorry, I was driving on a speed,  I want to get back home,  because it's getting late" she said I huffed and bury my head in my hand.

"we will leave the car here and send the mechanic to repair it, you know what will happen if daddy sees the car like this "

"yes, thank you Sisto, Maheer is on his way, let's wait for him,  he'll drop you off at home "  she said

"no, I can't wait for him Abbas must be home by now"

"Toh let's go" she said and take a ride on keke napep

Excuse the errors

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