Beginnings Five

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Elance 27th,1915

Location Grande Lesgativa Palace

City of Echater, Antares Empire

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Evelyn Beck had started the year with a massive bang.

Dealing with foreign nations and their national interest had not been easy.

Add that to the list, was Mecinia's dissatisfaction with Antares reinforcing the border in Esliledeo.

Causing Factions in Cinyan to call it an Act of aggression, Clamoring for Antares to pull back their own.

Which did not help the home front with many Parliament Representatives calling it a passive Response.

And the many Citizens in both Esliledeo and Echater, Pushing for more of an aggressive reaction.

With all that said, the nation in the Mecinia League had of course Disagree, meanwhile there own allies were uncertain of their approach.

Then there were the Union Nations, the Union of Aurelia had been quiet for the most time.

However, they did push for a more International approach, which was seen by both the Parliament and the Citizenry saw it as making Antares weak.

For all that said it seems Antares Foreign Affairs had rapidly turned into a complex Problem.

And then Parliament pressed an intervention. Already having to deal with sentiments at home and Abroad Eveyln Beck had been thoroughly Devoured her will.

And it still wasn't the end, as stared at the rest of the members of the cabinet. She stared at Tucker and Dalton her gaze asking "Really you're not tired at all?"

As she sat back, she could hear Minister of State Affairs Mya Long beginning with their current situation "Ladies and gentlemen, I believe many of you have been provided the basics of our situation"

Looking down at the given essential.

Which She had already known that. "While it is true that the refugee crisis had been halted. It is untrue that it had been resolved"

"According to statistics and my talks with the State Minister of Esliledeo Gannon Bishop, the refugee crisis has been observed to instead double and has continued to increase in number"

"We have all been gathered here to address and discuss this issue to our next move" As Beck sat down Minister of Judicial and Internal Affairs Kash Dalton began to rise to the center.

He began "As of now we have deployed the 15th Marines Regiment and 88th Light Reaction Regiment to enforce our borders for the duration of the Crisis"

Looking back Dalton spoke "Now I would like to start on whether we proceed with the parliament's idea or Aurelia's own"

As Dalton moved, one of his documents "Are the first Action would be parliament's suggestion of an intervention, where we would side with the Conservatives and put Boots on the ground" halted before he took the other document.

"The other is the proposition proposed by Aurelia President Mustafa George, Where instead of us taking the Brunt it would be an international intervention mainly focused on humanitarian"

As Dalton sat back she could see Tucker slowly rising and he began "Now this will be our first hurdle in our administration, I would like to remind you here. that our decision either charges to the right or wrong path. do think carefully of your decision Gentlemen" As Tucker stopped he gave a small nod and then sat back.

Looking back at the Documents she could tell that it took time to prepare, weighing the options in her mind she considered the Advantages and drawbacks.

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