Beginnings Three

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Castle Central Chapter, Echater, Chartian Empire. Elance 25,1915
7:30 am

In the heart of Castle Central Chapter, within the Antares Empire's Echater region, a crucial meeting unfolded on Elance 25,1915.

As the clock struck 7:30 am, Prime Minister Tucker, accompanied by the Antarian Palace Guard, arrived to address the escalating situation.

Tucker, and his trusted aide, havetened to explain the incident, providing the bare minimum for Him to act upon.

Apologizing for the delay was a quick exchange with His Majesty as they moved towards the chamber where critical discussions were set to take place.

Taking a seat, Tucker's gaze fixed on Dalton, diligently preparing reports about the Refugee Crisis. In the room, the State Minister of Esliledio, Gannon Bishop, also awaited the unfolding of events.

Dalton, now prepared, began to narrate the unfolding crisis.

On Elance 5,1915 Thousands of refugees, fleeing the civil war in Cinya, sought asylum or attempted illegal entry through the Esliledian Border.

Despite efforts to curb the influx, spies from Mecinia and Eskargel attempted to exploit the chaos.

While progress had been made, the concern lingered as the refugee numbers failed to diminish.

The intensified civil war in Cinya compounded the challenges. As Dalton spoke, the gravity of the situation became evident.

Gannon Bishop, rising to address the assembly, stressed the severity of the crisis. Not only was it fueled by the civil war in Cinya, but there were indications of Mecinian interference. Border guards and officials faced overwhelming challenges, with attacks intensifying in Glonia and Eranto.

In disbelief, His Majesty questioned the certainty of Mecinia's involvement.

In response, Bishop handed him a folder containing evidence, signaling the urgency of the matter.

As Bishop detailed Mecinia's plans to pressure the Antares Empire through the border, uncertainty hung in the air.

Attacks on border guards and officials marked a dangerous escalation, and the continuous arrival of refugees heightened the tension.

The meeting concluded with Dalton providing a comprehensive overview of the crisis.

The date, Elance 5th,1915, marked the emergence of a border crisis as the Cinyan Civil War escalated.

Mecinia's actions remained shrouded in mystery, leaving the Empire to anticipate and prepare for potential threats.

Exiting the chamber, His Majesty and Prime Minister Tucker faced the challenges that lay ahead.

The day promised to be arduous, with the weight of decisions and actions resting heavily on their shoulders.

Should he Prime Minister Tucker Fallter, the damage it would cause would be devastating.

For now, This challenge to his administration must be overcome.

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