Beginnings Two

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Date Elance 24,1915.
Time 1:40 am.
Location Castle Loneder Outskirts of Echater.

In the dimly lit room of Castle Loneder, Minister Kash Dalton faced a troubling situation.

The reports laid out before him painted a grim picture of Esliledeo and the escalating refugee crisis in war-torn Cinya.

As the Minister of Judiciary and Internal Affairs, he felt the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders.

The influx of thousands of refugees, fleeing the intensity of the Civil War in Cinya, had strained the Esliledian border Guards at Glonia and Eranto.

The chaos provided a perfect cover for spies, from Mecinia and Eskargel, attempting to infiltrate amidst the desperation of the displaced masses.

The swift action of the royal watch and his Internal Security Agency managed to apprehend many spies, but with more refugees on the horizon, the troubles were far from over.

Amidst the chaos and reports, Minister Dalton contemplated the gravity of the situation.

Tomorrow, he would convene with Prime Minister Javion Tucker and seek an audience with His Majesty Equestrian to address this breach of Antarian Imperial Integrity.

The new government, only a month old, faced a severe test of its capabilities.

Doubt lingered in Dalton's mind as he wondered if he had made the right choice in his position.

Should he have opted for the role of Minister of Justice instead?

The burden of leadership wore him down, amplified by the weight of responsibilities and the grief that accompanied such grave matters.

After the reports were presented, Dalton, feeling the urgency of the situation, moved to the telephones.

He quickly dialed the prime minister's aide, instructing him to relay the message to Tucker about a crucial meeting at Castle Central Chapter the next day.

Following this, he sought permission from His Majesty's Aide de Camp for a meeting of great importance, acknowledging the gravity of the circumstances.

As he gathered the necessary documents, statistics, and reports for the impending meeting, Dalton couldn't help but reflect on Prime Minister Tucker's words during their recent celebration.

The call to unity and thoughtful action echoed in his mind, reinforcing the gravity of their role in shaping the nation's fate.

"Every act we do must be one with thought," Tucker had declared, reminding everyone of the profound responsibility they held.

Looking out over the city lights of Echater, Dalton pondered the impact their decisions would have on the people. The weight of leadership pressed on, and he braced himself for the coming Meeting.

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