Part 18 - Guess I won't keep our promise

Start from the beginning

Capoeira's all about fancy moves, so if Ripper's in the air, his hammer isn't much of a threat, making my life a bit easier. My style might not be as flashy, but it packs a punch – just one hit can do serious damage.

"I already told you," I said. "Today, I'm winning this fight, whether you like it or not."

Seemed like I had the upper hand in terms of battle smarts, but the catch was Ripper could pull something unexpected.

"You're really itching to win, huh?" Ripper asked. "What's the deal?"

"Huh?" I responded, confused.

"If you wanted out of The Vipers, you could've bolted earlier, right?" Ripper questioned. "So why now?"

I stayed silent, giving him credit for a valid point.

"Why jump into this fight?" Ripper probed. "You could be enjoying a free life instead of risking it for no apparent reason."

"No reason?" I fired back. "I grew up getting pushed around by everyone, and you know it."

"Then why not stick with The Vipers if that's the case?" Ripper challenged. "Why turn on us?"

"Because following the wrong path was a mistake," I explained. "I've seen the good and the bad. Not everyone deserves to go down."

Ripper countered, "Your parents didn't raise you to feel that way, did they?"

His words hit a nerve, and I flinched in response.

"You're supposed to be perfect," my father insisted. "Act like it – be more like your sister!"

"But why do you treat her so much better-"


If I tried to react or reason, I'd definitely be heavily punished. No matter how chill people are, the ones bossing them around always find a way to hurt them– it's messed up but true.

I was catching an earful because I got a 93 on a math test, while my sister aced hers with a perfect 100. I scored the highest in my class, and the average was very low, but that didn't cut it for them.

"I scored the highest in the class," I shot back. "And the class average was garbage. I beat everyone."

"Talking back, huh?" my father glared at me.

I kept my mouth shut – saying anything now would just guarantee a smack.

"No emotions for you; you haven't earned that right," my father sighed. "Your job is to be a weapon, and no matter what, you can't screw that up. You're supposed to be the family's big shot, and you better stick to that."

"I can't be your pride without some love from you and Mom," I argued.

"That's not the deal," my father said coldly. "We're here to take care of you, not to love you. Keep making mistakes, and that care will dry up too."

"I-" I started.

"A weapon," my father cut in. "That's your deal. You're worth nothing right now, so get some value, or I'll do it for you."

"Well?" Ripper asked. "You've been bullied and shunned by your classmates at school, family, and almost everyone you knew. What hope is there for love, hmm?"

I stayed silent.

He wasn't wrong. 

But then, something else came to mind. 

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