CH.11 - I can't continue like this

Start from the beginning

"It's okay...I'm sure that he'll understand."

The bell rings and I walk to class.


Hey I'm so sorry but I can't be seen with you anymore
*Delivered at 7:30am*
*Seen at 7:31 am*

*Delivered at 7:32 am*

*Delivered at 7:34 am*

Awnser me
*Delivered at 7:36 am*


Fuck...I can't believe I'm doing this. I know I won't be able to go a whole day without missing him...once the bell rang at the end of first period Jake came over looking for me.

"Johnnie?" Jake asks
"Please, did I do something?" He whispers

"No Jake, it's me...just leave me alone. I'm sorry." I say as I push past him

I feel like crying. The whole class I try my best at hiding my tears. Just the way he spoke he sounded broken. When lunch came around it felt weird to not say anything to Jake as I walked past him. I'm glad I have other friends that I can talk to but being away from Jake was horrible. The whole lunch i had my head down, not wanting to think about anything. I also had to walk home at the end of the day. I haven't done this in a while. I could have asked my other friends for a ride but I don't...I don't deserve it I guess. The walk felt like it took forever. As soon as I got home I jumped in bed wanting this day to end.

It's been a week and I can't take it anymore. I keep getting calls from Jake that I can't answer and texts that I don't even bother to read because I already know how heartbreaking it will be. Sam and Colby have also messaged me but I can't respond to that to. I just can't. The stress of Bryan telling Jake what happened mixed with the fact that Jake definitely hates me has caused me to loose my appetite. I barely eat a full meal through the day, most days I don't eat at all. I also haven't really talked to anyone this week other than Bryan. I just don't want to bother my other friends with my sorrow so I've been eating lunch in the bathrooms.  I don't know how long I can do this.

Jake's pov:

It's been a month since I've talked to Johnnie. I have no idea why he won't talk to me, Sam, or Colby. Even at work he said very few things to Colby. I don't know what's going on but I can't fucking take it. I've been getting angry each time I think about it. Whenever I see him laughing in the hallways I just get pissed off and it's been effecting my friends as well. I don't stay over at Sam or Colbys house anymore and I spend most of my time after school at home.. alone. Whoever there's a party I tend to drink myself into a "whining mess" as Colby would put it. I guess no matter how mad I get I'll still have feelings for Johnnie. I try to forget about him but I-i can't. He has me in a choke hold. I wear the hoodie that he let me borrow almost every day and I try not to get it dirty because I don't want to wash his sent off if it. Sound pathetic I know. I just refuse to lose him I guess.

Today I thought that it was going to be a normal Monday, aka the start of a depressing week where I miss the one thing that brought light to my life. But I was wrong. It was the start of lunch and I watch as Johnnie walks outside the school building. This time instead of walking to the tree that he sits alone at he walks to one of the janitor closets. As soon as he knocks on the door and angry Bryan awnsers. I don't know why he bothers to talk to the guy. I thought that he didn't like him. Whatever. I watch as there conversation turns into a yelling fight.

bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilbert X Jake Webber)Where stories live. Discover now