After a few more moments, you pulled away. You were mindful of not taking too much blood from him, even if he wouldn't be participating in the Sports Festival any longer. You wouldn't want him to be lightheaded and unwell for the rest of the day.

In terms of quantity, you hadn't taken a lot of blood, but it was a reasonable amount nevertheless.

And yet, that dull, painful feeling in your stomach still hadn't gone away.

"Aw, are you done already?" Kaminari whined. His cheeks were still flushed a pretty shade of red, and you doubted that would change anytime soon. "I still can't believe that just happened," he remarked, carefully pressing his fingers against the bite marks on his neck. "I thought it would hurt a ton, but it actually kind of mellowed me out! My head felt a bit fuzzy and warm. Did it help? Do you feel ready to take on Todoroki now?"

His tone was hopeful, and he clearly wanted to be of use to you, so you didn't have the heart to tell him that it hadn't worked.

"Yeah, I feel better," you said, smiling in an attempt to cover up your lie. "Thanks again, Kaminari. You're a good friend."

"Don't mention it," he grinned. "I didn't mind at all! You can ask me for help anytime, okay? That's what friends are for! Plus, now I get to brag that a pretty girl like you basically just kissed me on the neck."

He was such a friendly, kind-hearted person. You were thankful to have so many good people as your friends, and you certainly didn't want to take advantage of their kindness.

It was just... strange. Even though you'd just had some blood, why did you still feel so uncomfortable? Maybe it wasn't hunger, but a different sensation that you weren't entirely familiar with?

Perhaps you really were reading into things too much. You weren't in desperate need of blood. You'd had enough to sustain yourself.

"Let's head back to watch the rest of the second round," you gestured. Kaminari nodded happily and followed, looking awfully light on his feet for someone who'd just had his blood drained.

All you could do was hope that whatever this was, it would pass.


Near the very end of the second round, Izuku finally came out of the infirmary. He looked significantly worse than you'd expected him to, and despite receiving Recovery Girl's extensive treatment, his arms were still in casts and a sling, and he was even walking unsteadily. Apparently, he had sustained permanent damage after his fight with Shouto.

You slumped your shoulders.

Izuku doesn't have enhanced regeneration like I do. Even though there are people in this world that can heal others with their powers, it doesn't mean they'll be able to bring him back to a hundred percent. Unless...

In that moment, you were reminded of Chisaki. You thought that you were a goner after Ambrose had mercilessly mutilated you, but Chisaki had mended you whole again, as if nothing had ever happened.

Perhaps he could do the same thing to Izuku?

Honestly, you were hesitant to ask him for such a weighty favor. Chisaki had already saved your life. You owed him, not the other way around. But you told yourself that if Izuku ever got seriously injured and even Recovery Girl couldn't help him, then you would beg Chisaki to fix him, no matter the cost.

It was actually ironic that you were having this thought right now, because you didn't even stop to think that Chisaki might be watching the Sports Festival unfold.

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