27. competition

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Hi, bestie!

Did you see the news??

Some person is going around sucking blood from everyone!

You stared down at your phone with a grim expression. Goddamn Ambrose and his tendency to be a massive hunk of shit. It was bad enough that he'd nearly succeeding in killing you, but now you also had to deal with the guilt that was weighing you down. After all, he'd only killed those people because he came to this world looking for you. In a way, you felt indirectly responsible for their deaths.


Yeah, it's really scary

I'm hoping things will be okay soon though

Maybe that villain won't act again


Aw, you can be honest with me, you know

You're the one that did it, aren't you?

After all, you need to drink blood because of your Quirk!

Huh? Did she seriously just say that?

Your stomach was starting to churn. There was no way she was being serious right now. Did she actually think you were the one responsible for such a heinous crime?


I would never kill anyone.

And I don't need anywhere near as much blood as was taken from the victims

There's no reason I would ever do something like this

She didn't respond for a while, and you were afraid that she was already convinced that you were the perpetrator.

Thankfully, your phone eventually buzzed again.


I was just teasing you!!

Don't be mad :')

I just get really excited when it comes to blood!


That was supposed to be a joke?



That's what friends do, right?

They joke around with each other


Although you'd only met Toga the one time, you'd texted her every now and then, and it was quite clear that she had a hyperactive and carefree personality. For that reason, you tried not to take her words to heart. Still, though.

Even for a joke, it was in remarkably poor taste.



I get what you were trying to do

Please don't make those jokes again though, alright?

Bloodthirst | BNHA x Vampire!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now