07. taste of humiliation

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"He l-looked at her w-with a, um... I'm not sure how to read this next part."

"Sorrowful," the teacher said, awkwardly clearing his throat. "Keep going, please."

You nodded. "He looked at her with a sorrowful explanation-"

"Expression," the teacher corrected.

"With a sorrowful expression, and g-grabbed her by the ham-"


"Grabbed her by the hand, then let out a... happy? Let out a happy sigh."

"A heavy sigh," the teacher corrected once more, and he proceeded to echo the passage with a sigh of his own. "That was, um... a good attempt, [Name]. Perhaps you felt a bit nervous reading in front of your new classmates? It's alright. You'll get used to it soon."

Katsuki couldn't believe what he was seeing. Even an elementary schooler would have had no problem reading that passage. Were you illiterate or something? He'd always known Izuku was pathetic, but what was he thinking, hanging out with a bum like you?

"Dumbass doesn't even know how to read," Katsuki muttered.

"I heard that, Bakugou," the teacher frowned. "What do I keep saying about being nice?"

"Yeah, yeah. My bad, or whatever."

Despite the fact that you'd just publicly embarrassed yourself, you didn't look particularly torn up about it. Actually, it looked to Katsuki like you were proud, which baffled him beyond measure, because that display just now was definitely not something to take pride in.

"That was so good!" Izuku congratulated you, grinning ear-to-ear. "You're learning so quick, [Name]! I can't even believe how much progress you've made already!"

You stuck up your nose in the air. "I guess I'm even smarter than I initially gave myself credit for. I should never have doubted my abilities."

Katsuki watched the exchange unfold with his mouth gaping open from disbelief. Was this meant to be satire? Some sarcastic routine that he just wasn't getting? Was he the idiot for not understanding what the hell you two were going on about?

It wasn't just that you were illiterate, though. You seemed to lack basic knowledge in pretty much all departments, to the point that it had Katsuki wondering how the hell you'd even passed your previous classes.

"[Name]," the teacher said. Katsuki almost felt sorry for you, because it seemed like the dude was calling on you a lot more than the others. Probably since you were new. "Can you tell me what year the Edo period began?"

"What's that?" you replied shamelessly.

Countless students began mumbling amongst themselves. They couldn't tell if you were trying to be funny, or really just that ignorant.

"Come on," the teacher sighed. "You've learned about this before. The Edo period. Really rack your brain. I'll give you a hint. It started sometime during the 17th century."

"17th century," you mumbled to yourself. Back in your world, a century was measured as a period of a hundred years. There was no way of knowing if the same was true of this world, but you decided there was no harm in giving it a shot. "So, that means... it started around the year 1700? Right?"

Everyone stared at you in bewilderment. Katsuki couldn't help but face-palm.

"No, you idiot!" he snapped. "The 17th century started in the 1600s! How the hell do you not know basic shit like this?"

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