24. joyous reunion

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Thanks to All Might, you had been saved.

Granted, the heroes' victory had come at a price. Aizawa and Thirteen were both in terrible shape. Their injuries weren't fatal, but nonetheless severe. They would need extensive treatment, and from what you'd heard, Aizawa would likely end up with some permanent scarring. Still, at least everyone else was safe and sound. All Might had really proven why he was the strongest man in the world, even though he was nowhere near in his prime.

It had taken a lot of out of him, but he'd managed to fight off the Nomu and put an end to Shigaraki's rotten plan. By that point, Iida-who had apparently escaped a while back and gotten help-returned with a group of pro heroes, and it was clear that Shigaraki and his remaining lackeys no longer stood a chance.

"So unfair," Shigaraki had gritted out, scratching furiously at his neck. "You used cheats! Fuck... it's the end of the line for now. But make no mistake. We'll get you next time, All Might."

The mist-like villain who could apparently teleport people at will, Kurogiri, allowed him to get away just in the nick of time. While it was unfortunate that the most dangerous of the villains had managed to escape, you supposed the outcome could certainly have been a lot worse. At the very least, no one had died. You were content with that much.

Thus, your short-lived friendship (if you could even call it that) with Shigaraki came to an end. He was not only a stinky bastard, but a stinky villainous bastard, and it was safe to say that you wouldn't be playing games with him ever again.

As for yourself, you still had a few broken ribs, but thanks to all the blood you'd ingested over the last little while, you would heal up quickly enough. Izuku had broken his legs yet again, though, in a last-ditch effort to rush to All Might's rescue when he was in a tricky spot. It was actually a miracle that no one had seen All Might's true form. If the other pro heroes hadn't showed up when they did, the villains would have stuck around for longer, and then you would all have been really screwed.

Well, the most important thing was that it had all worked out. Regardless of how it had happened, you'd gotten through your first life-or-death situation since coming to this world.

Unfortunately, you would be facing another one very soon, but you had no way of knowing it yet.

"[N-Name]," Izuku mumbled weakly. Since both his legs were broken, he was lying on the ground, the poor thing. "Are you... alright? I saw you get hit by that Nomu thing. I'm so sorry. I wasn't able to get to you in time..."

Sure, your broken ribs did hurt, but you'd be damned if you couldn't handle this much, especially after what Izuku and Aizawa had just been through.

"I'm fine," you reassured, making sure to breathe shallowly. "I'll heal up soon enough. I'm just glad everything is over now. You need to get treated for you injuries, though. Your limbs are broken again."

"So do you!" he insisted.

"I'll be okay. I don't want to trouble anyone."

"You will be treated," Midnight frowned. "The police are already on their way, so we'll be sure to debrief them on everything. There's no point in acting tough, young lady. We've got the resources to help everyone who's been injured. No way would we allow a student to suffer for no reason."

Part of you wanted to point out that if given enough time and blood, you would be right back to normal, but you figured there was nothing to gain from arguing with her. Seriously, though, what a tiring-ass day.

Tomorrow would be better. Surely.


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