17. startling debut

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"Izuku! Are you ready?"

"Y-Yeah. So... can I open my eyes now?"

Instead of responding verbally, you gently cupped his cheeks, prompting his eyelids to flutter open. Right on cue, you took several steps back and grinned widely, twirling in a circle so that your skirt fluttered around.

"How is it?" you asked eagerly. You were starting to get a bit dizzy from spinning so much, but you were too excited to stop. "This school uniform is so much cuter than our middle school one. I love it!"

It didn't take long for Izuku's cheeks to darken.

"You look r-really nice," he mumbled shyly. "But you always look nice, no matter what you wear, so I guess it's nothing new..."

A grin stretched across your lips. Even though you felt confident enough as it was, Izuku's words of praise certainly didn't hurt. Plus, he always looked so adorable while trying to give you compliments. You doubted you'd ever get sick of his flushed freckled cheeks.

"The uniform looks great on you too!" you enthused. "Starting today, we're U.A students, huh? I always knew we were awesome, but now we're extra awesome."

"Yeah... it does feel pretty awesome," he couldn't help but admit, flashing you a wobbly smile.

Despite how excited the two of you were, the person who was most looking forward to this was undoubtedly Inko. She was so agitated that she could hardly sit still, and you had to remind her to take deep breaths every so often.

"Did you both pack your tissues?" she fussed.

Izuku nodded. "Yes, mom."

"What about a handkerchief? You can't just leave without a handkerchief!"

"We packed that too, mom. Seriously, it's fine. We should leave soon so that we don't end up being late!"

Inko paced back and forth, clearly unable to calm down, but eventually, she stopped and clapped her hands together.

"Right!" she exclaimed. "I need to take a picture of you two! Just one picture, nice and quick. Get in close, okay?"

Izuku let out a weary sigh, and you could tell that he was anxious to hurry up and leave already, but surely a few extra moments wouldn't hurt.

"Pose with me," you grinned, pulling him so close that your cheeks were nearly plastered against each other.

Izuku let out a nervous little squeak, and while you lifted up your fingers to form a peace sign, Inko snapped a picture with her phone.

She gazed at her screen happily. "It's perfect! I'm going to have this picture framed soon."

"Mom, please don't do that," Izuku whined.

"But both of you look so good! It'd be a waste not to. Anyways, hurry along now," she waved off. "Otherwise, you'll be late!"

Izuku stammered out the beginnings of a protest-most likely to point out that she was the one who'd been keeping you longer-but ended up letting it go. It was an important day, after all. Your very first day at U.A, but it was more than just that.

It was your first real step towards becoming a hero.

I wonder what my parents would think if they saw me now.

Honestly, you were probably better off not contemplating such things. It wasn't as if you'd get answers anytime soon, after all. And just because you were devoting yourself towards being a better person and helping others didn't mean that your parents would be proud of you all of a sudden. They'd chosen to cast you out of their lives. You doubted you'd meant much to them to begin with.

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