04. picking a fight

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Perhaps you were acting too rashly, but this blonde prick was really testing your patience. Izuku was pretty much your savior. He'd helped you in a time of great need, so to see that someone was making such nasty remarks was enough to have your blood boiling. Violence wasn't supposed to be the answer, you knew that, but some people needed a few good punches to set their head straight.

However, the boy you'd been trying to stand up for looked horrified by what you'd done.

"[Name]!" Izuku exclaimed. "P-Please just apologize to him! It's not worth the hassle! Actually, we should really be running away right now! Quickly! While we still can!"

You'd only known Izuku for one day, but it seemed clear to you that he was saying these things out of self-preservation. He appeared to be scared of the guy called Kacchan, which you couldn't exactly blame him for. The dude sure looked like he had a few screws loose. He'd been confrontational right off the bat, for no reason whatsoever.

You shook your head. "Sorry, Izuku. This guy is mean to you, so I'm going to give him a little beating. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson afterwards and start treating you better."

"The hell you will!" the blonde boy fumed. He revved up his arm, looking as though he was going to lunge towards you and retaliate with a punch of his own. That was fine. You could easily avoid the attack in time. You were certain it wouldn't connect.

And it didn't. At least, not a punch.

What happened was that at the very last second, right when you were certain you'd sidestepped him with ease, his palms started glowing faintly and he somehow set off an explosion from point-blank range. It managed to hit you in the face, and it was enough to make you splutter out in disbelief, eyes watering from the sting of the attack.

Izuku wailed out in concern. "[Name]! Are you okay?!"

Ouch... it hurts.

It didn't feel great, that was for sure, but this much pain wasn't enough to make you give up. You probably should've been a bit more prepared for something like this. After all, Izuku had told you that most of the humans in this world were blessed with all sorts of different powers, Quirks. This blonde guy must have just used his Quirk on you. But it was fine. Now that you had some idea as to how it worked, you weren't going to let your guard down again.

"Heh," the blonde asshole chuckled. "All that talk, only for you to eat shit immediately. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything out of someone who hangs out with Deku. You're clearly a loser, just like him."

"Shut up," you glared. He was really getting on your nerves. What was his problem anyways? Izuku was probably the kindest person in this entire world. The kindest person out of any world, for that matter. You couldn't imagine that he'd done something cruel to warrant this sort of treatment.

In that case... this bully was giving him a hard time for no good reason. Just to feel better about his own pathetic self.

Still, you needed to hold back. Even if you weren't sucking anyone's blood right now, you were aware of just how strong you were. If you took things too far, you could end up seriously injuring this guy, and no matter how much he deserved it, it wasn't on you to punish him to that extent.

Just a little bit. You were just going to kick his ass a little bit, and then you'd call it a day.

Having made up your mind, you rushed towards him again, even faster than before. He seemed surprised by how quick you were, and set off another explosion. This time, you saw it coming, and you were able to dodge at the very last second. While he took a split-second to reposition himself, you'd already managed to land a kick that hit him in the chest, and knocked the breath right out of him.

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