26. still breathing

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You were dead. Ambrose had mutilated your body beyond repair, so naturally, you couldn't have possibly survived.

That was why, when you opened your eyes and found Chisaki staring down at you, your immediate reaction was to frown.

"Kai? Why are you here? Did you die too?"

Chisaki was clearly unwilling to humor you, because he quickly let out a sigh. "You're not dead, idiot. I restored your body back to the way it was before."

You had no idea what he was talking about, but when you sat up and took stock of the situation, you realized that he was right. There was no trace of the pain from earlier, and you didn't have any visible injuries either. Far from it, in fact. Your body felt the best it had in a long while.

"I-I'm perfectly fine," you blinked, patting your stomach in disbelief. Sure enough, you no longer had a gaping hole that exposed your organs, and it begged the question—how in the world did he save you when you were on the brink of death?

"It's my Quirk," Chisaki explained, as if reading your mind. "I can dissasemble things, but it also allows me to reassemble them. This applies to people's bodies as well. I'm capable of fixing virtually any injury or illness."

"Holy balls," you couldn't help but gape. "That's incredible! I had no idea you were so strong!"

Chisaki didn't often let flattery go to his head, but he looked awfully pleased to hear you praise him so earnestly.

"Don't get me wrong," he frowned. "I didn't do this out of the goodness of my heart. But you're Quirkless, and in a world teeming with filth, I felt like it was only right to preserve the few untainted people we have left. Even if you are a bit slow in the head."

You decided to gloss over the insult and focus on the fact that you were actually alive right now. All because you'd been honest with him and told him you didn't have a Quirk. To think that something you'd mentioned so carelessly would end up saving your life at some point. Fate really did work in funny ways.

Even if his reasons for saving you were a bit difficult to understand, the fact of the matter was that he did save you, and for that, you were immeasurably grateful.

"Thank you so, so much," you mumbled, bowing your head. You weren't usually one to act so meek, but what he'd just done was no small feat. For better or worse, you owed him now. Even more than you owed Izuku.

Chisaki just stared at you. "Hm. I certainly didn't do this to be thanked, but I suppose you at least know to give credit where it is due."

"Can you please take off your mask?" you asked. "I hope I'm not being rude, but I really want to see the face of the person who saved me. You obviously don't have to, but I was just thinking it'd be nice..."

He could easily refuse if he wanted to. After all, you owed him, not the other way around. He wasn't obligated to do anything on your behalf, and it already looked like he was inclined to tell you to piss off.

But after a few moments of silent deliberation, he decided to honor your request.

"Oh, wow," you said, blinking repeatedly. "Kai, you're so much more handsome than I expected!"

Chisaki obviously wasn't willing to admit it, but your reactions were awfully cute. He'd made the right choice in saving you, after all.

"I'll have you know that I never remove my mask in front of anyone else, except Pops," he stated. "You should feel very honored. I'm being especially kind to you."

"You sure are," you beamed, happily nodding your head. "You literally saved my life! I doubt I'll ever be able to repay you. This is the most I can do for now."

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