11. mark of a hero

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All Might's smile was blindingly bright. It didn't falter, not even for a single moment. It was the sort of smile that made you feel completely at ease.

You'd only just met him for the first time, but you were starting to understand where all of Izuku's admiration came from.

"I'm just glad the two of you are safe!" All Might beamed. "Is your friend going to be okay? He seems to have fainted from the shock."

"Huh? Oh! Right!"

You'd been so in awe that you'd nearly forgotten that Izuku was still limp in your arms. Making sure to be gentle, you carefully patted his cheeks to try and bring him back to his senses. This was a huge deal, after all. His biggest inspiration was literally in front of him.

Izuku's brows reflexively scrunched together upon feeling your touch, then his eyelids lifted to reveal bleary green eyes. You could tell that his vision was fuzzy, partly from the disorientation but also the fact that he'd been choking just a few moments ago. Either way, it took him several seconds to actually take in the scene.

But when he finally did, his reaction definitely wasn't subtle.


Instead of forming proper words, all he managed was a brief outcry of gibberish. You supposed you could understand where he was coming from. Not only had he been saved, but he'd been saved by the very man he idolized the most.

All Might laughed with his entire chest. "Oh, good! I'm glad you seem so lively! In any case, I should really apologize! I got wrapped up in villain cleanup, and one of them managed to sneak away. I must have been off my game today. I'm not usually like this, I promise!"

You weren't really sure what he was talking about, because he'd obliterated that villain in no time flat. If that was him being off his game, you couldn't even begin to imagine what he was like when he was at his very best.

"Either way, thank you both for persisting so bravely until I got there. Thanks to your help, I was able to seal the villain away!"

All Might then proudly lifted up a plastic bottle, and sure enough, the yucky slime dude appeared to be trapped inside of it. To think that your earlier efforts had proved completely fruitless, but a plastic bottle was somehow able to incapacitate him. This world truly was strange.

Izuku was safe though, and that was easily the most important part.

Speaking of Izuku, he was currently frozen in place with his jaw hanging open. He was clearly overwhelmed with emotion and could hardly think straight. That being said, there was no mistaking the excitement and joy on his face. And to think that just a few minutes ago, he'd been so dejected thanks to Katsuki's douchebaggery. All Might had lifted the boy's spirits without even breaking a sweat.

"Izuku," you prodded, lightly tapping him on the shoulder. "Come on, try talking to him. Don't you have anything you want to say now you've finally met?"

"I, uh... I-I'm..."

Okay. Still no coherent words. He was even more starstruck than you'd been expecting, so you glanced towards the notebook he'd been carrying earlier—which had fallen to the ground when he'd been attacked—and eagerly held it out towards All Might.

"Can he have your autograph?" you asked hopefully. "He's a big fan. No, your biggest fan, actually."

Thankfully, All Might seemed to be just as considerate as his image suggested. "Of course! I'm always happy to be able to speak to my supporters face-to-face. It means a lot, kiddo!"

Bloodthirst | BNHA x Vampire!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang