Start from the beginning

"You knew this would happen and you still had me fall in love with you. I haven't loved anyone this hard since Solana, and even she wouldn't stoop so low to do something like this despite our problems." She shakes her head, standing. "I am so sorry, Bey." I tear up, resting my forehead upon hers. "I'm gonna fix this. I promise, but you need to just get rid of all of the drugs in this hotel and call it a day. That's what they're looking for." I explain and she chuckles.

"Now you want to care?" She asks, standing over me as I fall over onto the bed. In the blink of an eye it was as if my Beyoncé was no longer there. As if the old Beyoncé had made a guest appearance.

I feel her press her gun against my chin as I take a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't act impulsively. "I'm gonna show you just how fucking criminal I can get. I'll give you a fucking reason to report shit to him." She threatens as she pulls me over to the balcony of the suite. "Stand here and fucking stay there! You move, Onika I swear on my child I won't hesitate to pull this trigger." She locks the door of the balcony, turning over to the couch. I watch as she moves the couch over to another side of the room, revealing a safe. She unlocks it before taking a duffel back from the inside of it and stuffing it with the contents of the safe. "I could barely see what she was putting inside. I see her on the phone with someone. I faintly listen as she talks.

"Just be here within the next ten minutes, Winnie. I'm serious or you'll be on the same boat as everybody else I'm not fucking with." Beyoncé threatens before hanging up. I watch as she grabs a photo of she and Blue Ivy before grabbing a few small objects and sitting it inside. "Cash." She mumbles to herself while digging further into the safe and dumping loads of cash into it.

I stare ahead confused before hearing a voice next to me. "Ma'am you're half dressed and it's chilly out here. Are you okay?" A janitor spoke as I sigh in relief. "No—I'm not okay." I say, turning to them.

"I need help, I think she's trying to hurt me." I say and she nods, eagerly. "Stay put—I'll call the police." She says as I look towards Beyoncé—she was gone. I no longer saw her in the room. "What the fuck?" I mumble helplesslyZ I turn to look at the woman next to me, just to see Beyoncé with her gun pointed towards her. Almost immediately Beyoncé releases a bullet into the woman's head. I scream, watching her null body fall onto the floor. I clutch onto the railing of the balcony, finding myself screaming for help. Soon, Beyoncé opens the balcony door, pointing the gun at my mouth. "Shut the fuck up or you'll be the reason everybody in this bitch dies. You just killed that innocent woman!"

She gasps and I shake my head. "No that was—"

"You." She says resting my hand on the gun. Almost immediately I turn and pull the trigger, only hearing a click. "You didn't think I'd give you a loaded gun, did you?" She asks. I watch as the grabs a cup with a few pills inside before handing it to me.

"Drink it." She demands and I shake my head. "Beyoncé—I'm pregnant. You can't be this inhumane. I have a child growing inside of me."

"Shut the fuck up and take the pills. I'm not god damn monster, I wouldn't harm the baby." She says as I put them in my mouth. "Sleeping pills, my love. I can't have you seeing where we're about to go. I think our honeymoon should be in Cancun, I've never been." She kisses my forehead before walking inside and once again locking the door. I wait until til she's turned around to take the pills from underneath my tongue and putting them in my pocket. I give it a couple minutes before I pretend sleep. I hear the door opening and feel Beyoncé pick me up bridal style before walking me out of the suite. I don't hear her usual lobby music—I'm assuming we're taking a back exit.

I listen as we get into a car, with Beyoncé conversations with someone. "Drive us to the airport, Winnie." She demands to someone and the hum. "What've you gotten yourself into?" She asks and Beyoncé chuckles. "Well. My girlfriend cheated on me and had a baby with someone else all while trying to get me arrested. Recently? I just shot someone. I'm past that though. Now my love and I are going to Italy to have a traditional wedding." Beyoncé says. Wedding? "Oh God." Winnie says. "Just drive. Get us there then drop this car off." She says and Winnie hums. "So—you want to marry your girlfriend who—"

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 (𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀)Where stories live. Discover now