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Sharky was up extra early to go to the gym and he asked me at five in the morning if I wanted to come along. I just asked him with a straight face what he thought my answer was going to be and he kept his lips zipped, not wanting to get himself in trouble.

I slept for another three hours before being woken up by a car horn. I quickly jumped out of bed and changed before rushing down the steps to meet Bea, who was kissing Chunkz before telling him that she was going to miss him.

I gagged as if Sharky and I weren't just as bad, maybe even worse. She rolled her eyes at me before we made our way to the car and my boyfriend had his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the vehicle. My eyes roamed up down his arms, his veins were popping a bit and started feeling like the warm sweater was a bad idea.

He offered to put Bea's bag in the trunk and once she got in the car, he pulled me toward me and kissed me. I smacked him on the chest and widened my eyes, trying to be as serious as possible, but I was unfortunately unsuccessful, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I closed the trunk and he continued to peck my cheek before pulling me against him once more, "I love you." he said in a sing-songy voice before making his way to his seat and leaning over to open the door for me.

Rolling my eyes, I get inside and turn around to see that Bea is just chuckling to herself. Sharky starts driving and she points at him and then at me, then winks. I feel a grin forming on my face before looking back at him.


Bea steps out of the car and I tell her I'll be there in a second when she motions for me to come on, "Bye, Sharky." I say before kissing him on the lips and he rubs me up and down my back.

"Bye, stupid." he chuckles when I jump out the car and stick my middle finger up at him jokingly. I walk through the door and Beatriz is messing with the remote as she waits for the kettle to finish boiling the water for our tea.

I try to find a good movie and Bea yells out from behind me, "How about The Little Mermaid?" she questions, our love for Disney moves will most likely never end. I turn it on before finding a blanket to drape over myself as the heater slowly starts to kick on.

Bea hands me my cup of tea before putting her legs over my lap and laying against the pillows on the other side of the couch. I sing along with Ariel throughout the movie and Bea starts clapping her hands, I know I'm not too good. She's the Adele in our friend group, but she's always trying to get me to sing something for her.

She laughs a bit when I hide my face behind my hands and I push her away from me, "You arsehole! Shut up, at least I was trying." 

The movie ends and the two of us always come to the same conclusion, "She would have been better off a mermaid, why would you sell your voice to walk? That's the most boring shit, she would have found a hotter merman in the sea. Like what?" Bea's eyes bug out.

I nod my head in agreement before getting up to chop some vegetables for the Rogan Josh I'm about to make, I miss the Indian food mom used to make. Bea is always trying to get me to cook something up for her.

She stands behind me and claps her hands together at the smell, "We're feasting tonight!" she cheers and I laugh a  bit before letting the meat cook. I sit down right at the island and realize that Bea has been her phone for too long, I snatch it out of her hand and she fully pushes me.

I start laughing as I scroll through the messages that she had been sending to none other than Chunkz. I groan before putting her phone in my pocket, "Enough of your boyfriend, it's our night." she sighs before nodding her head in agreement.

She ties her curly brown hair into a tight bun at the top of her head before she spins around on the barstool, "Sorry, he was just telling me about the new song he was recording. Just take the phone, he's a whole distraction."

"Are we even going to live in this apartment anymore?" I question as I get a family-sized bottle of Coke out of the fridge and pour some into two glasses as she laughs at my question.

"The two of us have not slept in our own rooms alone in— how long?" she slips on her hoodie before taking a sip of the fizzy drink. I genuinely try to think about it and she points her finger right in my face, "Exactly!"

"Well, that's not a fair question because you don't remember either." I say before pouring some Rogan Josh into some bowls and getting a ready-made roti to put on the stove. 

She starts eating the goat with her spoon after I shut her up. We're just silent, enjoying the food and she starts clapping her hands together after wiping her face with a napkin.

"Gordon Ramsey, who?" she taps me on the shoulder before sitting down on the couch. We decide that it would be a good idea to start talking about high school together.

She grew up in Lisbon, Portugal, but her mother got a better job in London, so they moved their when she was fourteen. She started talking about the boy in her science class that was her lab partner, that was the first time she actually had a boyfriend.

"His name was Thomas and I swear, I thought he was the hottest shit I had ever seen. He liked my Portuguese accent or whatever, he kept making me dance to Shakira songs and would say stuff in Spanish. I lost my fucking mind." she rolled her eyes as she remember him before continuing, "Lost my virginity to him, that was the stupidest mistake I have ever made."

I put my hand on her shoulder before she shakes her head at me, trying to tell me that she is fine.

"It's fine, Chunkz makes me feel like I'm the only fucking person in the world. It doesn't matter, I love him." the two of us open the stupid photo album that I had throughout high school. There is a bunch of Indian house parties that I took my polaroid too. My mother would force me into itchy, annoying lehengas and that was my retaliation, but she didn't give a single fuck anyway.

Bea and I point at how close I was sitting to the guy I had crush on in one of the pictures. She started laughing at the next photo, which was the way I was holding Sid up to my chest when he was about ten years old. He looked pissed off and my sister was standing behind the two of us with her degree in her hands.

We spend the rest of the night just looking at the pictures for almost the seventeenth time. I don't think we slept until the sun started to rise and I was sure that as soon as I shut my fucking eyes, Sharky's car showed up in the driveway.

Bea gasps before sitting up on the couch and realizing that we had been sleeping in the living room, "Your clingy arse boyfriend is here." she said as if I didn't already know that. I look out the window to see him standing there in a white t-shirt that is outlining his muscles. 

God-fucking-damn, he's hot.


𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬, sharky m.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora