Chapter 25: Unbelievable 2

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Lauren couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat and her mood changed ever since she saw the result, because she doubted the result, she went to the hospital for a proper test and the results were true.

Lauren arrived home by 3 PM, she went to the hospital after work which is why she came home late. When she pulled over, she looked at the test in her hand then she squeezed it and hid it in the car. She then got out of the car and headed inside.

The moment she got in, she closed the door and leaned her back on it. John was on his way down the stairs when she arrived and when he saw her, he smiled and walked to her,

"Hey honey, what took you so long?" he asked and walked to her, then he kissed her lips while she stood still.

"I had to visit a friend," she said

"Okay, but the good news is you're here, I miss my baby so much and I can't live without her," he said hugging her so tight.

She then smiled at him and headed upstairs without saying a word. John found it a little strange but he assumed maybe she was tired.

Lauren got into her room and dropped her purse on the bed then she sat down and rubbed her stomach.

"What should I do?" she asked herself.

That same day, she got into her car and drove down to the hospital, she and the doctors were friends so she could talk to him. When she arrived at the hospital, she headed straight to his office and knocked,

"Come in," he said and she walked in. The moment he saw her, he smiled, "Lauren, how are you?"

"I'm not fine doctor," she said and sat on the chair behind the table.

The doctor sighed,
"Have you told him yet?

"No," she said and sighed,

"But why?" he asked curiously,

"I'm just scared if I tell him, he won't love me anymore,"

The doctor leaned back on his chair,
"How old is this man?"

"I don't know doc,"

"But you're sure he's a full-grown man?"

"Yeah, I'm sure he's older than me, why did you ask?"

"Because no full grown man would love a woman and get mad at her if she's pregnant unless one thing,"

"Unless what?"

"Unless it's not his child,"

"No this one is he's, I'm sure of it,"

"Then tell him, what's the worst that could happen," he said while Lauren began thinking of what to do.

"Can I see this man and talk to him myself?"

"No you can't," Lauren whispered.

A while later Lauren asked,
"Can I have an abortion?" she asked.

The doctor removed his glasses and dropped them on the desk,
"Well yes you can, it's only a couple of weeks so it's not going to be a problem to get rid of it. But I am not just a doctor, but your friend as well, and as a friend, I'll advise you not to abort the baby,"

"Why?" Lauren asked curiously,

"Tell me Lauren, what is the reason for wanting to abort it, because you think he will hate you if you tell him? That's a loss because how do you know he would hate you?" he asked and Lauren stayed quiet, "You're a grown woman and I'm sure you want this child. Even if he gets mad at you and leaves, you have a job and you can take care of this baby," he said leaving Lauren thinking.

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