Message From Curtizzles

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Curtizzles is sitting down in his office chair having finished publishing "Curtizzles: The Iron Fist".

Curtizzles: Talk about a finale, right? Anyway, I have taken Goe Lieden's place as the second-most powerful being and my life story has been published. Now what? Well, I'm gonna rewrite some old shit and then write new stuff. Rewrite Saviors Of The Stars, maybe I'll rewrite The Amiibo Trials someday. I'll definitely make a Minecraft series at some point but I'm gonna wait for the game to get better updates so I have more material to work with.

Curtizzles feels an unusual presence.

Curtizzles: Wait a minute... someone's here... and I'm not talking about you, the reader...

Well... I guess you've found me.

Curtizzles looks up, seeing a faint pair of glowing eyes looking down upon him.

Curtizzles: Who's this?

You've entered Goe Lieden's realm, the realm of the second-most powerful being to exist. You should know who I am, as my presence grows stronger with each higher plane of existence.

Curtizzles: ... Wait a minute... ARE YOU TRUE FORM CURT?! The TRUE creator?!?!

Indeed, I am. I've just put myself in a form that your feeble mind can comprehend... So, Goe Lieden has fallen again.

Curtizzles: What do you mean by agai- oh, right, Evil Curtizzles.

Tell me... how much of existence did you rewrite?

Curtizzles: Eh, not much, just the very structure of how multiverses work, among other things. The way it works in Saviors Of The Stars compared to Amiibo Trials was different so I lined those two up.

Curtizzles begins writing his life story.

... You've rewritten EVERY reality, haven't you?

Curtizzles: Yup.

And you... didn't have ANY foresight of what the bitter cost could be?

Curtizzles: Nope.

... You aren't much better than Goe Lieden now.

Curtizzles: I know. It's, like, irony or something. It's wonderful.

There will be a price to pay, and you know it. What will you do when that day comes? What will you do when the sky comes looking for you?

Curtizzles: I don't know, and I don't care.

Don't be surprised when you find that your intervention will only drive reality into cataclysmic ruin.

Curtizzles: There's not gonna be THAT big of a price to pay. Besides, you could just intervene! That's really lame, too. You could solve world hunger in every reality, but no, you watch people die, you watch all of these terrible things happen. All you do is watch.

Oh, absolutely. Have you tried writing a story where everything is perfect and there's no climax? If I intervened every time someone did something bad, there would be no free will. It's the stuff dystopian novels are made of, just look at Twitter. Remember: there's no need to be thankful for Heaven unless there's a presence of Hell. All I do is create existence itself, then it's up to the Overlords to make THEIR realities. I won't be controlling that, THEY will.

Curtizzles: ... You're an asshole. You're all-powerful, but you're an asshole. You just LET bad things happen. It's not about making people thankful for the good times, it's just that you're an asshole.

I don't intervene unless there's no other choice. Think of me what you will. If you could see through my own eyes, you'd understand.

Curtizzles: Yeah, right... Welp, time to get writing.

... Anyway... Thanks for reading, everyone! Be sure to look out for Curtizzles' revision of Saviors Of The Stars.

Curtizzles: Yup. Gonna be a long story too. Might be around 60 chapters or so. Gonna put a greater emphasis on storytelling, plus I'll remove and add some characters. I think you'll get a kick out of it, Thatdude18.

The plan is for the series to be completed before publishing to focus on maintaining a consistent story. It'll take a long time, but hey, we know what happens when you rush material out, you get Mega Man X6.

Curtizzles: I'll be sure to post updates on my profile in the conversations channel. Until we meet again... have a good laugh!

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