Curtizzles Rising

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(banner credits: SmashBracket for Incineroar, Drshnaps for Dark Matter, A.J. Nitro for Cackletta hands, Friendslick6 for Doom texture rip)

... Y'know, Rick Astley helped kill The Icon of Sin, who was Gretchen Whitmer... Can't wait until Joe Biden appears next.

The Hell Scientists, having gotten a clue as to what's inside the meteorite, report to The Dark Lord.

Hell Scientist #1: My lord! The meteorite that crashed down into Immora appears to contain some kind of energy! The readings are off the charts, and they could be the key to stomping Green!

The Dark Lord: Have the Barons haul it up.

An army of Barons bring the meteorite up.

Hell Scientist #2: If I'm not mistaken, the energy within this meteorite seems to be some kind of life form. But we can't figure out what KIND of life form.

The Dark Lord: Do we have another containment chamber in the lab?

Hell Scientist #3: Yes. It's right next to Curtis' containment chamber, as a matter of fact.

The Dark Lord: Have the Barons haul the meteor down into the chamber, if it fits.

The Barons haul the meteor into the lab. It just barely fits in the chamber.

The Hell Scientists recruit an Imp for their upcoming experiment.

Hell Scientist #1: You will be the next step on the stairway to domination! That's right, YOU, a mere Imp! This is a high honor!

The Barons bring a metal table into the containment chamber. The Hell Scientists lie the Imp down on the table, relaxing the demon.

The Hell Scientists take the energy out of the meteorite with needles, injecting the energy into the Imp, leaving the chamber and locking it.

They watch through the windows of the containment chamber as the Imp crumbles into guts.

The Hell Scientists and the Barons react in silence. Suddenly, a dark figure rises from the Imp's remnants.

The energy from the meteorite has taken on a more defined form, a dark, cycloptic figure with one large mouth and two floating hands.

Hell Scientist #1: The Imp died, but now the energy's life form has structure!

The Hell Scientists report to The Dark Lord.

Hell Scientist #1: We injected the energy into an Imp. The Imp perished, but the energy seems to have gained a proper structure as a result!

Hell Scientist #2: In other words, it's alive!

The Dark Lord: Keep it in the containment chamber for the time being. We will continue to experiment on it in the coming days.

One of the Hell Scientists returns to the lab. He looks in the containment chamber and sees the life form on the ground, shouting and writhing in pain.

Hell Scientist: ... I have to find this out for myself.

The Hell Scientist enters the containment chamber. Shutting the door, the life form's eyes lock onto the scientist.

The beast latches onto the scientist, attempting to take the scientist as its host.

The scientist's body explodes, which makes the dark monster scream in frustration.

Curtizzles: The Iron FistWhere stories live. Discover now