Chapter 6

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Juno had woken up at 7am, got herself ready and sat in the common room and read a book on the couch. It was around an hour later when Daphne and Pansy came downstairs Juno smiled to them both in greeting. Daphne gave her a smile back while Pansy just ignored her and walked out the common room dragging the blond girl with her.

She frowned to herself wondering what she did wrong. She picked up her book and carried on reading, not bothering to look up when she heard footsteps around her.

Suddenly 3 figures shout "Boo!" from behind her whilst grabbing her shoulders, causing her to jump off the couch in shock and falling on the floor.

"What the fuck" She snapped, scrambling to get up and put a bookmark on the page in the book she was on.

Once the 3 boys stopped laughing they finally started talking. "Good morning Juno, sorry about that it was Draco's idea" said Theo.

"No it wasn't, It was Blaise's idea" Draco said with a whine.

"Whatever let's go to breakfast" Juno said and they started making their way out of the common room.

"You've got to admit it was pretty funny" Blaise said with a slight laugh, remembering how funny her reaction was.

"Hmm I guess so" Juno replies, who is walking in between him and Theo, with Draco on the end at the right.

After walking in comfortable silence most of the way to the great hall Juno breaks it. "Have I done something to upset Pansy because she ignored me this morning."

All 3 boys turn to look at her in concern, hearing the vulnerability in her voice. They don't really know what to say and don't want to say the wrong thing and upset her even more.

"Um i'm not sure, maybe you could ask Daphne because if you have done something then she would have told her but i've doubt you have done anything" says Theo which causes Blaise and Draco to nod their heads in agreement.

"Oh okay" she says as they come up to the great hall entrance and make their way to the Slytherin table.

They sat down with the other first years and started to plate up their breakfasts. Juno had toast with butter and a bowl of yogurt and berries and washed it down with a goblet of milk.

"That's exactly what Lily has!" James said, causing Lily to look at him not expecting him to remember what she has for breakfast.

"Ewwww not milk" Barty gagged, pretending to throw up causing his friends to laugh.

"Shush it's nice" Lily and Juno said at the same time, they turned to each other in shock, surprised they said the same thing.

Professor Snape brought their timetables around, they had Transfiguration with Gryffindors first so once her group was finished with their breakfast they made their way to the lesson.

The Slytherins were sat on the left side of the room while the Gryffindors were sat on the right side. Juno and Theo had taken a seat together, they spoke quietly while waiting for the rest of the class and Professor McGonagall to arrive.

Suddenly the door burst open and 3 Gryffindor boys entered puffing and red in the face.

"Whew! Made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said after scanning the room looking for the Professor.

The cat jumps off the desk and transforms into Professor McGonagall, the three boys were amazed.

"Minnie!" The marauders and Juno shouted excitedly, which she shook her head fondly at.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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