Chapter 5

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Today is Juno's birthday, she has been living with Sirius for over a month and it has been the best month of her life. Sirius went to St Mungo's twice a week for healing and now no longer needs to go as he is fully healed. Sirius and Juno built up a relationship and respect with Kreacher who was now happy to call them his Master and Mistress. 

Juno met her uncle moony and after some convincing moved into Grimmauld Place to live with them which made both Juno and Sirius very happy. Remus told Juno many stories about her parents but mainly her mother as he was very close with Lily.

Sirius and Juno have completed redecorating the place and it now looks like a home, Sirius told her all about Hogwarts and what she should expect. She got a letter from Lucius Malfoy asking more about the compulsions and blocks on her magic and he found out him and his family had compulsions on them as well. Juno and Draco would have play dates and Sirius and Narcissa caught up and gossiped about the latest drama from the Sacred 28. 

She had met Draco's Godfather Severus Snape, who to begin with glared at Sirius and Remus but after some awkward conversations and long awaited apologies, he started to slowly enjoy their company. Severus had taught her the basics of potion making and bonded over their sarcastic remarks 

Today was the day she was going to go to Diagon Alley to get her school equipment. She was currently sat at the dinner table eating breakfast with moony and padfoot when an owl swooped in and landed on the table and dropped of a letter.

"I wonder what this letter is going to be" she said sarcastically.

"Yay! She's got her Hogwarts letter!" James said in excitement, his daughter laughs at how giddy he is.

"Open it!" Said Sirius excitedly, all 3 of them have been counting down the days for her birthday and to go shopping. 

"Dear Lady Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall" Juno reads.

"I need to write my response!" Juno says and runs to the office room and grabs a piece of parchment and scribbles out a response. She runs back into the dining room and gives the letter to the owl which flies off. 

"Can we go to Diagon now?" Juno asks padfoot and moony, she pouts and does here best puppy eyes. 

"Of course pup" Sirius says and they all get up and gather around the fireplace. 

When they get to Diagon Alley the first stop is Madam Malkin's to get her uniform . They entered the building and a squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve asks "Hogwarts dear?" and Juno nods. 

Juno is lead to the back of the shop, while her godfather and uncle take a seat at the front. A girl with frizzy curly hair was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up her long black robes.

Madam Malkin stood Juno on a stool next to her, slipped a long robe over her head and began to pin it to the right length. 

Madam Malkin and the other witch leave the room momentarily and the girl turns to Juno and says "You're Juno Potter, I'm Hermione granger. It's a pleasure to meet you." She sticks her hand out for Juno to shake but after Juno makes no attempt to move her hand, she drops hers back to her side.

"It's Lady Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor thank you very much" Juno says with a fake smile. 

"Damn Lily she's got your sass" Marlene says and all their friends laugh, Juno perks up loving that she has some of her mum's qualities. 

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