Two Sides Of The Story / Chapter Ten

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⚠️Mention Of Cannibalism⚠️

-Y/n's POV-

And just like I said, I've been watching them. Every mission, every pizza outing, every time they're away from the sewers, yes, I know they live in the sewers, I'm watching them. I know you might think 'What about Mama?' Well recently she's been busy with some sort of secret project, something she doesn't want me there for. Regardless of what it is, I trust her, and she trusts me.

Anyways back to now, the foot and the turtles are once again fighting. I notice Red looks very very angry with Leo and right as I'm about to step in I hear Donatello speak. "Raph, it's the ex-purple dragon guy." I have a fucking NAAAAMMMEEE! He smirks at me "For an ex-purple dragon you really can't sneak around, can you?"

I grip my gun as I perch on the rooftop looking down at them "For ninjas, you can't sneak around for shit either." Leo huffs as Donatello rolls his eyes and they all grab their weapons, and we all wait for the first person to strike. Wait, am I really about to fight Leo after everything? It doesn't matter if I was going to start it because, in a matter of seconds, I'd been plowed against the building behind me by Red's Mystic red hand. I wipe the blood I coughed out off of the corner of my mouth and grin behind my mask "Can't hit hard enough to kill me again Red?"

He stops in his tracks "What did you just call me?" "R?" He seems to relax a bit as if he has decided I am not Y/n, even though he's wrong.

Mikey throws his Kusari at me and I just barely dodge it. "Heh nice one kid, just a bit too slow" and I fucking jinxed it because a couple of seconds later a fucking ROCKET fly into me shoving me against a wall "EAT SCIENCE!" I look at the solid dent in my stomach impressed "Wow" I breathe out looking up at him as I start to stand "You really are quite impressive Donatello." his face flushes not used to compliment, let alone praise.

"You think so?" with him distracted, I'm behind him in a matter of seconds knocks him down "I KNOW so!"

I feel the adrenaline race through my veins as I barely catch Leo's blade throwing him over my shoulder. Jumping again as Mikey's Kusari almost hits me, slicing my face a bit and I duck as Rapheal throws another punch. Everything seems to be going fast as my body reacts to the situation as a life-or-death instance, even though I've already died once. I pant as they begin to retreat heart racing as I lean down and my vision gets blurry.

A few minutes later I'm back at the hotel in Big Mama's office panting heavily as I look at her for help. She drops her paperwork and pulls me into a hug "Oh sweetie are you hungry again?" I nod not having much control left. She leads me into a room with with a bunch of criminals. "here you go baby eat up" she says lovingly. And with that, I dig in.

Once full I regain my strength. Gingerly she comes into the room "Sweetie? Are you all better" she asks, concern laced in her voice.

"Yes mama.. thank you.. for everything.." I pant out. She smiles lovingly at me "I'm glad, were you getting into mischief again?" She chides.

"Just a tiny bit" I chuckle as I rub the back of my head.

She laughs "Careful sweetie, mama won't always be around to protect you" with that, she pulls me into her arms/legs. I cuddle up to her "yes mama" I murmur, she's always made me feel safe.

-Donnie's POV-

Growing up 'Nardo had always been a troublemaker. Always getting into things he shouldn't have and pressing the wrong buttons. It's always annoyed Raphael to no end. They've always bickered a bit but nothing like *this*.

"Leo why can't you just see how bad for you this guy is?! He's a horrible person, he works for Big Mama and HE EATS PEOPLE! How is any of that okay?!" Raphael yells. "Shut up! I'm so sick of hearing how bAd He Is! You don't know him at all! Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and actually get to know someone before you judge them?!" 'Nardo retorts.

Meanwhile 'Angelo and I are in my lab as I put some noise cancelling headphones on him. 'Angelo has always hated it when 'Nardo and Raphael fight. He just wants everyone to get along?

And me? I just want to make sure my family doesn't hate each other. Sure Raphael has a couple of good points as to why 'Nardo shouldn't be with this Y/n guy but.. it's not like I can blame 'Nardo. The thing is, as much as I hate it I too have developed feelings for a cannibal. Remember that ex-purple dragons guy? That one.

He might not be conventionally attractive but he's fascinating. From the contorted form he now has, which I have many questions on that I am eager to ask, to his quips and sense of humor. Does him praising me that one time affect it at all? DEFINITELY NOT. (Lie) Still, Y/n feels familiar like a way that I should know that I don't. *That* is why I side with Raphael on this issue. But the dragon? He's perfectly unsymmetrical in the most extraordinary way.

Alas I too would get scolded by the giant if I expressed my feelings, that feels wrong, for the ex-purple dragon. However, as the genius I am, I do have a plan. It all falls on if this man follows us again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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