A Night of Reconsiliation

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Mama gasps as I come out of the changing room embarrassed. "My stars! You're cuter than the first day I saw you!!" I look in the mirror

 "My stars! You're cuter than the first day I saw you!!" I look in the mirror

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I smile at the sight, feeling more like a man than I ever have.

    When we get into the ball room I see there are easily hundreds of yokai, but four of them stand out to me. Turtles.. I  curl my fist as I'm about to finally get rid of them but then I remember two things. One, Mama told me to play nice with guests and Two, they don't know it's me with the mask. I smirk as I think of all the ways I could break them to pieces with this. Two different sides, one that they're friendly with, and one that is their greatest foe. (Warren Stone wannabe)  I know for certain blue, er Leo, has no clue due to our last encounter so that would be less fun.

  As I am in my head thinking of a plan of action purple, sorry Donnie, comes up to me. "Sigh, since it is very clear that neither one of us want to be here and we, well at least I am, are both geniuses, would you like to converse?"  I raise an eyebrow but not regardless. As we dance we talk for what seems to be hours and as we do I find that like his brother, he also isn't that bad, besides his obvious ego and belief that he is smarter than everyone else.

  "So an isotope is a-" "I know what an isotope is Mr Donatello" he pauses for a minute "How do you know my name?" Shit "Your brother Leo told me when I was conversing with him earlier." He breaths out "oh alright then, I thought something different, you remind me of someone I've met before." I raise my eyebrows as we once again continue to dance "Oh? And who are they?" I spin him and he lands perfectly in my arm

  "He's this cool tech loving guy who I think works for the purple dragons but also on his own I guess, he's a bit confusing." I look down at him as we dance more "The purple dragons?" He nods "These highschool humans who are also really good with tech, although I clearly am superior, that fight against my brothers and I. The guy is like their bodyguard sometimes? I'm not quite sure because I did hear him mention that he was but we ran into them again a couple months ago and he wasn't there to protect them."

  I chuckle "Seems like they probably tried to kill him when he failed one of their missions" "I think the reason why is because he did say that he died wait- how did you know?" I shrug "Lucky guess"

   We dance and get to know each other better until the room gets a bit to crowded. "Could you excuse me for a moment? I don't do the best in crowded rooms" he nods and I go outside to the balcony to see blue, er Leo. "What seems to have you feeling so blue?" I chuckle a bit hearing myself. "Oh uh it's nothing!" I see him laugh and rub the back of his head. I lean against the railing next to him, "You know, not everyone falls for that right? So what's got you down handsome?" He raises an imaginary eyebrow

"Handsome?" I shrug "Just saying what I see, and I can clearly you aren't your normal overconfident self." He laughs but it isn't happy "Yeah give me a couple of minutes and I'll deliver what the people want." I look over to him a bit concerned "What do you mean?" "Well it's just everyone expects me to be this confident fearless guy who stares death in the face and laughs but that's not really me..." He looks down, tears forming at the creases of his mesmerizing blue eyes

  "I'm scared a lot of the time and my confidence is just a shield, I don't really know what I'm doing.." he laughs as tears start to roll down his cheeks "Hell I don't even know why I'm telling you this, I hardly know you." I look at him sadly but then have an idea.

I place my hand on his shoulder "Hey, meet me at the Empire State building in New York City tomorrow night, I have something that might help." He looks at me confused and is about to say something when red, Raphael, comes out "Come on Leo, pops said it's time to go."

He looks at me "Ain't this Big Mama's lap dog?" My stomach curls a bit hearing that okay so not all of them are actually nice, this guy is a dick. "His name is actually Y/n." Leo sticks his tongue out and puts his hands on his hips like a child. "Well say goodbye to actually Y/n because we gotta go." Raphael pauses and stares at me for a moment, "Have we met before?" Shit c'mon Y/n play it off  "Not that I know unless you've been down here for a bit." He shrugs "Alright, c'mon Leo." Leo waves goodbye to me as his older brother drags him away.

  I sigh, falling back onto the couch finally in some comfortable clothes. "Jeez that was a long night." I think back to dancing with Donnie, and talking with Leo. "Hey mama?" She looks up from her work at me "Yes dear?" "Can I go up to the human town tomorrow night? I told Leonardo I'd meet him there to talk." She chuckles a bit, "Alright dear, stay safe okay?" And a couple minutes after that, I'm out.

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